Welcome back 2024
Dear parents and carers
A warm welcome back to Ashgate Primary School after what we hope has been an enjoyable summer break for you all.
Following trespass concerns, and in light of the tragedies that befell families in Southport over the holiday break, the risk assessment for access to the school has been updated.
Please be aware that:
This has been arranged for the safety of the school community.
Senior Leadership structure changes:
As I wrote to inform you in July, the Senior Leadership Structure of the school will alter to that of a ‘Co-headship’.
As such, the Headteacher role in the school will from this point be shared by both myself (Mr Seargent) and Mrs Forte for the academic year 2024/25. Mrs Forte will be on site all week, whilst I will be on site Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
What is co-headship?
Co-headship combines the experience and personal qualities of two leaders into a single headteacher role where either both or one of the co-heads are on-site at any given time. Day-to-day management of the school is distributed between the two co-heads when on site, whilst both undertake strategic decision management in cooperation. Both leaders report to the Governing Body and remain accountable to them as a collective.
How will co-headship impact me and my child?
For most families and children, there will be little or no recognisable change other than at the point of contact when you/they may interact with one or the other co-heads. The Special Educational Needs Coordinator role will from September sit with Mrs Patrick to enable Mrs Forte to co-head. There will however be a transition period to secure effective information sharing relating to SEND. Mrs Patrick will also be taking on the role of Assistant Headteacher in support of the Senior Leadership changes.
Ms Vobes will continue as Early Years and Key Stage Lead, whilst Miss Francis takes on the role as Key Stage 2 Lead.
Both Mrs Forte and I look forward to working collaboratively as co-heads for the 2024/25 academic year and look forward to the continued success of Ashgate Primary School.
Communicating with school
Please ensure that any phone number changes have been shared with our office staff. We are aware that the most rapid and effective form of communication with parents is via mobile phones in the form of website links and direct messages. The school website Notice Board will contain most information updates and we encourage you to visit this regularly.
Access to the school office staff
Please be mindful that in the first few days of the new school year, the office staff will be very busy. Please only make contact with them in the first week if you have urgent information to share. This will help us to prioritise needs and ensure that the most pertinent tasks are addressed to keep children safe and meet the needs of our school community.
Yours sincerely
Mr Peter Seargent
(Co Heads: P Seargent / W. Forte)