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Painting and Drawing

Painting and Drawing


Draw a picture of yourself and write on it the things you like about yourself.


Draw a place you would like to visit.


Draw or paint your emotions - what colour are the different emotions to you?


Design a card to send to a friend or relative to tell them you're thinking of them.


Put on a song or piece of music you like and draw or paint how it makes you feel.


Paint or sketch something you can see at home. Don't worry about making mistakes.


Zen Doodles! Draw some squiggles or lines covering your piece of paper. Use one colour or a mixture. You should notice that you have created smaller shapes where your lines overlap. Draw patterns and shapes to fill up these smaller shapes. Try not to rub out and let your drawing flow without stopping too much. While you draw, use your senses to think about what you can hear, smell and feel. Click HERE to see a video for inspiration.

Create a Derby Daffodil - make your own or download a template here then display it in your window for all to see!
