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Who can you go to for help? (Assembly)

'Asking for help'.  It's not just an offer to the children!

Today's assembly to the whole school was a reminder of who the children can go to for help.  We regularly remind the children of a range of safeguarding matters and today was such an assembly.  


It focused on ensuring that children had the realisation that staff at the school were here to help and would always listen to, and support children, if they had concerns and worries.


Children were also reminded of help available from home and other adults, including access to Child Line (0800 1111).


We're also here to help you!

Whilst preparing the assembly materials, it occurred to me that we help a wide range of families in many different circumstances.  As the designated Safeguard lead, supported by the very able Mrs Froom (Learning Mentor),  we have access to support and strategies that may be of use to families.  This includes healthcare, social care and other agencies that you may not be aware of.


Should you or your family ever need help, even if it is not school related, you are free to speak to us.  Whilst we may not be able to help directly, we have access to people who may be able to.  Please speak to us.


Mr Seargent

Headteacher and Safeguard Lead.
