Guidance on accessing remote learning for pupils for whom the school is closed.
Where will I access learning?
The primary source for learning activities will be via the school website. This enables staff to update and add to learning opportunities regardless of how long or short the closure is. To access learning available for your child you should visit: Click ‘Children’ in the navigation bar and then ‘Class pages’.
Each year group will have a page available to them.
Where passwords are required for access, these will be provided.
In addition there is a separate, more generic page to support learning. This too can be found under Children and by clicking ‘more support activities’.
The pages can be accessed on all internet linked devices, including tablets and phones as well as laptops and desktop machines.
What will be provided?
In most cases, learning will consists of given activities for mathematics/English and Science. There will also be recommended activities for independent learning. These will be updated weekly.
Children will be provided with a folder and book to record the work they undertake.
For EYFS – activities will be set out in line with the themes and topics learned and be activity based where possible.
For pupils in years 1 to 6, the following will be provided weekly: (uploaded on a Monday)
• Daily mathematics task
• Daily English task
• 2 Science tasks per week
• A series of foundation learning (history etc) on an activity grid or similar.
• Physical pack with writing resources and passwords (Sent home on Friday)
A parent crib sheet will be included to help you support your child and where worksheets are used, an answer sheet will be posted on the following Monday.
Links will be provided for independent learning such as BBC Bitesize learning. It is understood that the BBC will be providing some additional activities including video learning. We will signpost similar activities for you.
What will I do if I do not have access to the Internet?
In some cases, it will be appropriate to provide packs of activities for children where the home does not have access to the internet. These will be a minority though and should not be requested unless you have no access to the school website/access to links. Packs will be provided on request only and you must inform the class teacher if you require one.
Packs will be available from the school reception on Monday and Tuesday for those who are not in attendance for Friday’s closure. If you require a pack but are in self isolation, we will aim to get one to you.
But I’m not a teacher and I don’t know how to guide my child; what should I do?
Staff will be providing a weekly ‘Parent Crib Sheet’ to support adults, highlighting which elements of learning are key and what to look for. Where there are mark sheets available, these will also be posted (the week after the tasks have been issued).
Do not worry if your child struggles accessing the learning/finds it too difficult. Move on to the next activity and come back to it later.
Will we still get updates?
Yes. Despite the school closing, you will continue to have access to information via text and website access.
Provision of Free School Meals
Those families who have free school meals will be able to collect a meal from the school reception area between the hours of 12 noon and 1pm.
The meal will be in the form of a packed lunch, including sandwich, drink, fruit and a snack.
These will be available from Monday
Should there be excess meals, these may then be offered to non-free school meal families and / or local foodbanks.