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Assessment Data

All data listed is based on the most current information available.  Data may be awaiting verification by DfE.


Note (KS2 outcomes only)

Any pupils disapplied from testing have been removed from the data; however, pupils for whom appeals for remarking have been applied are included.


Where data includes comparisons with other DfE or DCC statistics:

Nationally: This refers to the National Mean Average of schools across England as recorded by DfE.

Local Schools: This refers to the data made available on schools within Derby City as recorded by DCC.

TBC: To Be Confirmed - Data for this group has yet to be published by the appropriate authority and a comparison cannot yet be made.

Provisional: This indicates that the outcomes have been recorded before the submissions deadline to the DfE and are may therefore be subject to modification at a later date.

NA: Not applicable.  Data is not collected for this category, or is not comparable owing to different systems or recording, standards or other DfE defined measure.

NYA: Not yet available.  Applied where a process is incomplete or awaiting application at a future date.


Phonics Screening Check (END OF YEAR 1)

The phonics screening check is an assessment to confirm whether individual children have learnt phonic decoding to an appropriate standard.  

Teachers administer the screening check one-on-one with each pupil and record whether their response to each of the 40 words is correct. This mark is from 0 to 40 and for 2016, as in previous years, the threshold to determine whether a pupil had reached the expected standard was 32. 




2017                   2018                       2019

84% (Nationally 77%)89% (Nationally 81)89%* (Nationally 70)                86% (Nationally 70)               86% (Nationally TBC)


*Assessment process was moderated by Derby City Council and found to be accurate.


Key Stage 1 Results (End of Year 2) 


Children are assessed against the Department for Education (DfE) Interim Standards at the end of Year 2.


Percentages listed indicate pupils meeting the new 'Expected' standard.



2018                                    2019





Reading          80% (nationally 75%).      Reading 76%

Writing            80% (nationally  69%).     Writing.  78%

Mathematics   83% (nationally  76%).     Mathematics 77%

Science           95% (nationally TBC)







Key Stage 2 Results (End of Year 6)


Children are assessed agains the Department for Education (DfE) Standardised Attainment Tests (SATS) at the end of Year 6.  Any percentages listed indicate pupils making the new 'Expected' standard. Figures listed with a * are awaiting DfE validation.



'Progress' refers to the improvement in learning from their Key Stage 1 Assessments/Tests.  This figure is important, as it shows the 'Value Added' by the school during a child's time at Ashgate Primary.  Progress enables a clearer view of the impact of teaching and learning and is key to the assessment of its effectiveness.


To assess 'progress' and represent impact, the DfE use an algorithm based on scores in the two tests (taken in Year 2 and in Year 6)  


0 represents the 'expected progress'.

+ indicates 'better than expected' progress.

- indicates 'less than expected progress.


2018             2019   


Mathematics+2.4Mathematics -1.3  







Attainment (Test result)

Reading       60%* (Nationally 75%)

Writing          86%* (Nationally 78%)

Mathematics 76%*



Spelling and Grammar   75%

(Nationally 77%)


Attainment (Test result)

Reading       52% (Nationally XXX)

Writing          70% (Nationally XXX)

Mathematics 58%



Spelling and Grammar   62%

(Nationally 77%)




Prior to 2016, pupils were assessed against 'Levels'. These scores are not comparable with the new standards; they are included for your information. 




Data confirms that the school is above the 'Floor Standard' and is not in a 'Coasting Category'.
