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Ukelele Performance

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Guitar Performance

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Guitar Performance

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Performing Arts Week: PERFORMANCE POETRY All the children composed their own poem and performed it to their class!

Performing Arts Week: DANCE! The children enjoyed an incredible performance from Tip Toe Cerise who choreographed their routines especially for Ashgate and then got all of Ashgate up on their feet dancing too!

Performing Arts Week: DRAMA! All the children had the opportunity to do a workshop with Repton school drama teacher, Mrs Hobson. Everyone had great fun!

Did you know that in 2023-24 academic year, more than 180 children have had instrumental/vocal tuition (over and above their classroom music lessons)! Isn't that amazing?! Piano, guitar, singing, bass, ukelele, drums, flutes and fifes. Huge thanks to Mr Brooks for organising it all! We can't wait to see it all showcased at Ashfest tomorrow!

Our RESPECT students, Millionaire Readers and a few other specially chosen children attended some Meet the Author events last week! Y1-4 met Sophy Henn and learnt how to draw some of her characters. Y5-6 heard an inspirational talk from SF Said. They all received copies of their books!

Wow! There were so many amazing artistic creations entered into our first Ashgate Art Competition! It was VERY hard to choose the winners. Everyone enjoyed viewing the art gallery and we raised £49 for school funds! Next time, the theme is spring celebrations - Easter, Holi, Nowruz, Gudi Padwa, St David's Day... The deadline is 18th March. £1 to enter.

Outstanding performance and listening skills demonstrated by our drummers today to a specially-invited audience!

Every child had a drumming taster sessions from DCP drums today!

Year 5 got to meet a real artist this week who taught them all about print-making!
