Each week, our collective worship times follow a theme throughout the school. They are of a broadly Christian nature. We also include issues relating to our school DNA, as well as learning about seasonal events and celebrations from a range of other religions. As well as learning through stories, videos and websites, we incorporate times for class discussion and personal reflection.
Autumn 1
Your self: New Beginnings (including Rosh Hashanah)
Your community: Forgiveness (including Yom Kippur)
Your self: Peace and Mindfulness (including the International Day of Peace)
Your self: Physical Self-care (including World Heart Day)
Your community: Celebrating Diversity (including Black History Month)
Your self/community: Identity and Values (including Black History Month)
Your world: Global Hunger (including Harvest and World Food Day)
Autumn 2
Your self/world: Light to Meditate and Celebrate (including Diwali and Bonfire Night)
Your self/community/world: Remembering (including Remembrance Day)
Your community: Kindness (including anti-bullying)
Your self/community: Being Thankful (including Thanksgiving)
Your self/world: Religious Freedom (including Hannukah)
Your self/community: Family (including our school family)
Your self: Being Joyful (including Christmas)
Spring 1
Your future: Looking Forward (including Make Your Dreams Come True Day)
Your self/world: Challenging Injustice (including Martin Luther King Day)
Your community/world: Back to Nature (including the Big Garden Bird Watch)
Your world: Festivals (including Chinese New Year)
Your self/community: Respect and Relationships (including Safer Internet Day)
Your self/community: Love and Compassion (including Valentine's Day)
Spring 2
Your world: Choose the World You Want (including Fair Trade Fortnight)
Your community/world: Inspirational Women (including International Women's Day)
Your self/future: What Kind of Person Do You Want to Be?
Your world: Water (including World Water Day)
Your self/community: Keeping Each Other Safe
Your self/world: Easter
Summer 1
Your world: Earth Day
Your world: Ramadan
Your self/learning: Resilience
Your self: Regulation
Your self/learning/community: Teamwork
Summer 2
Your learning: The Queen
Your self: Eating Healthily (including Healthy Eating Week)
Your community/world: What is a refugee? (including World Refugee Day)
Your self: Changing your Mindset
Your community: Helping Others (including the anniversary of the NHS)
Your self: Changes