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School Governance

What is the composition of our Governing Body?

The Governing Body of Ashgate Primary School is led by Mrs Jules Todd, elected by the Governing Body from within its membership. Staff members, including the Headteacher, cannot be elected to this office.

Governing bodies are made up of key stakeholders:

Parents - Parent Governors are elected by other parents at the school.
Staff - including the Headteacher - Staff Governors (teaching and non-teaching) are elected by the school staff.

Appointed- Staff members appointed by the Governing Body
The Local Community/ Co-opted - the Governing Body appoints Community / Co-opted Governors i.e. members of the local community.
The Local Authority (LA) - appoints one or more Authority Governors.


Governors meet as a 'Full Governing Body' 6 times per year.  Other meetings are convened as required e.g. finance meetings to discuss budgets.


What do governors do and how did they attain this role?

Great emphasis is given to recruiting Governors who can bring professional skills to their work on the various committees, so that we are qualified to conduct the school in line with our statutory duties. These include promoting high standards of educational achievement, acting in a strategic manner to help the development of the school through effective management of resources and working closely with the School Senior Leadership Team to create and promote the School's values.


How do we do this?

We have considerable flexibility in how we achieve this but most of our time is taken up with:
• Developing and reviewing a range of written policies and

procedures to address statutory requirements and our local

• Implementing actions from the meetings of our Full Governing Body

• Undertaking delegated individual tasks in support of specific Curriculum areas

• Contributing to and reviewing the School Improvement Plan and using this document as one of the key resources for setting priorities and monitoring impact

• Using a combination of reports, visits, results and other information to monitor the progress of our School.


Governors have responsibility for raising school standards through their three key roles of setting strategic direction, ensuring accountability and monitoring & evaluating school performance.


Governing Body key responsibilities include:

- Setting strategic direction, objectives, targets and policies

- Reviewing progress against the budget, plans and targets
- Approving the school budget
- Acting as a “critical friend” to the Headteacher by providing support

and challenge
- Appointing the Headteacher.


Our Chair of Governors, Mrs Jules Todd, may be contacted through the School Office. 

We currently have 2 Parent Governor Vacancies.  Please contact the school office if you are interested in joining our dynamic and effective team.


The school will inform parents as and when vacancies occur.  In order to become a governor, you will need to nominate yourself.  You will be invited to meet the Headteacher and / or Chair of Governors to discuss the roll and to see how you can contribute.  If there are more nominations that vacancies, parents are given the opportunity to vote and elect their representative.


If you are interested in becoming a school governor, please contact the school office who will be pleased to inform you of the process and requirements




Start Date

End date/ re Election Date

Jules Todd (Chair)


November 2021

November 2025

Drew Keavey (Vice Chair)


March 2021 (2nd Term of Office)

March 2025

Vicky Longbone


February 2024

February 2028

Oluwaseun Oluwaranti


April 2024

April 2028

Sarah Osman


March 2021(2nd Term of Office)

March 2025

Wendy Forte

Appointed/ Staff



Charlotte Donnelly

Staff Governor

January 2024 (2nd Term of Office)

January 2028

Nicola Warburton

Appointed/ School Business Manager



Peter Seargant

Head Teacher



Louise Neville


March 2021


Parent Vacancy




Parent Vacancy




Co-Opted Vacancy




LA Governor Vacancy





Parent governor information

Pecuniary/Business Interests - Staff

Pecuniary/Business Interests - Governing Body
