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Find somewhere cosy and quiet and read your favourite book.


Print the document called My Coping Guide from the bottom of this page. Complete it and have it nearby to focus on at times when you're struggling with your emotions. If you can't print it, you could make one yourself using the same ideas.


Have a go at the Grounding Activity Sheet at the bottom of this page. It will help you to focus on all your senses. Again you can make your own if you don't have a printer.


Make a glittery calm down jar. Shake it when you feel angry, stressed or worried. Click HERE to see how to make one.


Draw over the lines on a piece of kitchen roll or toilet paper. It can be very relaxing as you don't have to worry about what to draw; just make marks on the paper.


Zen Doodles. Draw some squiggles and lines all over your paper. You can use one colour or a variety of colours. Notice that you have created smaller shapes where your squiggles and lines overlap. Draw patterns and shapes to fill up the smaller sections on your page. Think about what you can hear, what you can smell and what you can feel. Watch the video HERE to see more of how to do a zen doodle.


Make your own Zen garden by pouring some sand into an empty shoe box lid or any other shallow container. Add some natural materials like pebbles, plants and a little bowl for water. Take out your Zen garden when you are in need of a quiet and relaxing activity. You can rearrange the pebbles and use a fork to draw some mindfulness doodles in the sand of your garden. Click HERE for more detailed instructions.


Below are lots of mindfulness colouring pages to choose from. Remember you can select your favourite pages when you click print rather than printing them all.

Activity sheets to print:
Some people find puzzles relaxing. Below you will find wordsearches, sudoku and crosswords.