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Contacting us

All queries should be made to via the school office.  If you have a specific query, you may be directed to one of the following people:


  • Mr Seargent - Headteacher (designated Safeguarding Lead)
  • Mrs Forte - Deputy Headteacher (Special Educational Needs Coordinator)
  • Ms Richardson - Pastoral care / family support / child protection
  • Mrs Miller/Mrs Reading/Mrs Norman - General Admin Support (including school dinner enquiries - payments and school uniform)


If a staff member is unavailable at the point of contact, communication can be arranged at a mutually convenient time, or another staff member may be able to support you.


If you require paper copies of anything shared on our website, please contact the school office.


Ashgate Primary School
Ashbourne Road
DE22 3FS


Telephone: 01332 343928


