Dear parents and carers
Mr Brooks' class closed
Mrs Morris' class closed
Individual isolation notices sent to each class.
You will be aware that there have been two class closures this week and the rise in cases nationally and within Derby indicate that the nation is not ‘out of the woods’ yet. Clearly, we are still doing all that is possible to ensure infections in school are limited and maintain our good practices.
Our two cases this week do not appear connected through school contact and therefore I remind parents once more of the need to follow guidance to ensure any risk is reduced as much as possible. I also ask that parents strictly adhere to the wearing of masks on school site, washing of hands regularly and maintaining social distancing.
Whist I understand that isolations of all school close proximity contacts are inconvenient at best, they do remain mandatory. Early indications are the that the system of ‘bubbles’ may be lifted and / or isolating entire groups for single cases may not occur in the new academic year. This has yet to be decided on by DfE and PHE. Regardless, it is important that we do so now, in line with current regulations, and do take all steps to reduce further cases.
Your continued support is much appreciated.
Mr Seargent
Note for those whose children are directed to self isolate:
Your child must self isolate immediately as they have been identified as a possible close proximity contact.
The remainder of the household do not have to isolate unless symptoms are identified; however, your child must not leave the home or mix with people outside of the household or support bubble.
If you have a sibling at the school and you are unable to travel to and from school owing to the isolation, absences for the sibling will be authorised – but you must inform the office.
Get a PCR test (test that is sent to a lab) as soon as possible if you get any symptoms of COVID-19 (a high temperature, a new, continuous cough or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste) while you're self-isolating.
Anyone you live with must self-isolate until you’ve been tested and received your result
Get a PCR test to check if you have COVID-19 on GOV.UK
If you test negative:
If you test positive:
Read more about how long to self-isolate.
If you do not get any symptoms of COVID-19 while self-isolating: