Cyber Safety - a continuing theme
As those who visit the website and read notices sent home will know, we at Ashgate Primary School take cyber and Internet safety very seriously.
Each term, we aim to dedicate at least one assembly to this theme, as well as having e-safety running as a thread through all we do. Today the children received a pertinent message around the importance of being mindful of what they post in relation to potential acts of bullying and hate crime, and what to do about it.
Although mobile phones are not permitted on the school site, we are aware of incidents outside of school and nationally where mobile devices, including apps for social media, have been used to promote, share or initiate acts of bullying or hate crimes. It was for this reason it was relevant to ensure that the children are encouraged to be mindful and how they should respond.
Sexting - advice and guidance on this recent concern
In addition, we must also be aware of the need to keep up to date with trends and new risks, and for this reason I draw your attention to some useful parental advice on 'Sexting', a phenomenon you may have been made aware of through media coverage. Whilst it may be inaccurately perceived that primary school aged children are not at risk, this is not the case, and complacency can trigger or result in an escalation of such incidents.
I request that parents read the guidance from the 'What Parents Need to Know' from the following link.
Please contact us if you would like further guidance and support on how to help your child.
or click on the link under the Parent Page . Useful links and information . safeguarding