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'Cyber Safety' - Assembly

Cyber Safety’
We are aware that many children have access to a range of electronic devices that have Internet connectivity.  It is more than likely that after the Christmas period even more children are now 'online' gaming, texting, Skyping and a host of other activities that expose them to the potential dangers of the Internet.
With this in mind, children have today received a ‘Cyber Safety’ assembly, explaining to them the potential dangers of using electronic devices to communicate.  It has been important to emphasise to the children the real risk, but at the same time assure them that taking simple actions can reduce their vulnerability.
If you are considering your child having access to a mobile phone, Internet access, social network membership, gaming accounts or similar, you may want to visit the website 'Think U Know' which is listed below, to support and guide you.  I have also published on the school website (Useful Information) a copy of the presentation slides from today’s assembly and it may be useful for you to ask your child to explain what was discussed.
The world children live in today is high tech, fast moving and exciting but it is important to ensure that they are well prepared and have an awareness of how to interact with it safely.  We hope that our work today, and your support at home, secures their safety.
for further support and guidance and/or visit the school's 'Key Information' to view materials used in school.
