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Dog walkers

As you are aware, we are big fans of pets and believe that animals provide a great opportunity for children to develop positive relationships and a nurturing nature.


Over the last few weeks we have seen an increasing number of parents arriving at school with dogs and I understand that the school run is a great opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.  


  •  Can I remind parents that they are not permitted on school site.  


I ask that those taking the opportunity to walk dogs as part of the school drop off routine have consideration for others by not standing at the school gates with them or tying them up unattended.


  • If you do have a dog can I request that you use the pathway by the railings (opposite to houses) on Frederick Street and keep clear of the school gates.  This will mean that those who are of a nervous disposition around animals do not feel the need to walk down the road to avoid dogs.


Whilst we do have therapy pets in school, they are insured and risk assessed for suitability working with children, hence the exception for school approved therapy dogs.
