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Drinks in school

Parents are reminded that we follow the School Food Standards practical guide practices for drinks in school.


As such, only plain water is to be contained within drink bottles in class unless there is a medical stipulation for alternative drinks, evidenced and directed by medical practitioners, or where a specific SEND need has been identified that stipulates alternative methods for hydration.


Water can be accessed by all and children are free to refill their drink containers.  Children in the Early Years / Reception classes are also offered a milk drink daily.   Fruit drinks and similar may be included in lunch boxes, however, these are not to be 'fizzy'.  Remember, that if you send your child with a milk drink in their packed lunch, this will not be refrigerated and therefore must by 'Long-Life/UHT'  in nature.


Gov UK:  School Food Standards information:  Healthy drinks

Water should be the default drink for every child. The more it is offered, the more readily they will accept it. Sugary or sweetened drinks often have no nutritional value, contribute to weight gain, and can cause tooth decay.

Free, fresh drinking water must be available at all times.

