School closure revision (Thursday 17th December last day of term)
Yesterday, Nick Gibb MP, Schools Minister, issued clarity that Headteachers can close schools at the end of Thursday 17th December. This was a response to wider concerns relating to the risk of isolations occurring during the holiday period and the profound impact this may have on families.
It was clear that such a closure would be a rearrangement / bringing forward of already planned or yet to be arranged INSET (In Service Training) days and not an additional holiday date.
Having spoken to the chair of Governors and senior leaders, I have made the decision to act on the minister’s statement and CLOSE ASHGATE PRIMARY AT THE END OF THURSDAY 17th DECEMBER 2020, one day earlier than originally planned.
I do recognise that under normal circumstances INSET is arranged with a full academic year’s notice. Nevertheless, in light of the minister’s statement/ and the fact that this, although not eliminating completely the risk of isolations during the holiday period, does lessen the extent during which families could be affected, the notice given is appropriate.
Arrangements for collection of Free School Meal Hampers and other celebrations such as Christmas jumper day are unaffected. School will return, as previously arranged on Monday 4th January 2021.