Merging of groups A and B in Early Years, Year 1 and 6
As of Monday 29th June we will be extending our offer of schooling to children in Early Years, Year 1 and 6 to Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. This is offered to those already attending in these year groups.
In its simplest form this means a merging of groups A and B and an offer of four days per week, as opposed to the current two days * (see questions below if your child has not been attending).
Wednesday’s closures remain to enable classroom deep cleaning – there are no current plans to change this.
Why make the change now?
We are able to offer this as combined group sizes remain below the 15 required under current guidance and we do not anticipate any imminent changes to this. We have also been blessed (to date) with no infections within the school setting. Our practices are well established and whilst we can make no guarantees, we are confident that our systems have the capacity to extend without jeopardising the health of staff or pupils.
Important: The already established arrangements for accessing the school, including staggered times, remain unchanged. Guidance already issued to parents on expectations remain the same.
Frequently asked questions/elements of consideration.
*What if my child has not been attending to date, but I have now changed my mind?
In order to keep children safe and to meet the strictest protocols, any request to return to school will now require 5 working days notice from June 29th. Contact can be made via the school office to request access. Schools are required to prioritise admission according to need where class sizes cannot accommodate demand.
My child already comes to the school in group A or B. Do I have to inform you that they are still coming?
No. Children who have been attending since June 1st can simply arrive on the days we are open and not just their previously allocated 2 days. Only if you decide not to continue your child attending do you need to contact us.
Can I select which days my child comes in?
No. It is not a ‘pick and mix’ arrangement as this can lead to children who want to attend being unable to do so. The school is open to children who are entitled to attend on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. If your child is attending, they are expected to arrive on all all days as they are potentially holding a place that could be opened to another child.
Does this change arrangements for the separate Key Worker group who are not in class?
No. This remains unchanged.