Flu Immunisation 2022 Ashgate Primary School
Dear Parents/Carers
For the school year starting September 2021 we will be continuing with the e-consent for the Flu Programme. This year we will be offering the Nasal Flu vaccination to children in Reception, Year 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. When completing the e-consent please state the year group your child will be in at the beginning of the school year September 2021 NOT their current year group.
Please visit https://www.derbyshireandcityimms.co.uk/Forms/Flu
to complete the consent form. The option to consent or decline the vaccination is at the end of the questionnaire so please complete even if you do not want your child to have the vaccination.
If you wish to decline the Flu spray due to the porcine element we are now able to offer an alternative injectable Flu vaccine that does not contain porcine
Please complete the consent form as a decline due to vaccine ingredients and we will then contact you to arrange vaccination. For more information please contact the team as below.
Your unique school code for Ashgate Primary School and ERS is DC131685
For more information about the vaccination please visit our website: