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Heatwave (Actions and Sports Day)

Heat Wave Actions and Precautions


Dear parents


I am currently carefully monitoring the forecasted temperatures for next week.  At this current time, Monday forecast is for temperatures of up to 34 degrees C.


Sports day

Health guidance given to schools in June has made clear that when temperatures exceed 30 degrees C schools should avoid children taking part in ‘rigorous physical activities’; this would of course include sports races/sports days, but would not confine children indoors.


It is not my intention to scratch sports day at this moment, however, unless the forecast changes or health guidance is altered, I may be required to cancel the event or at least restrict its format.    A decision will be made by the end of Friday.


Managing the heat

In the meantime, we are ensuring that children are well hydrated at school and take shelter periodically when outdoors, rooms are ventilated as much as practicable, and children are regularly reminded to hydrate.  We are blessed with both natural and manufactured shelter around the school, and this is being utilised to its maximum. 


I aim that we find a safe and common sense balance between limiting any over exposure to the current heat wave and preventing children playing in and enjoying the summer sunshine.


Parents are asked to continue supporting us in this aim by:


  • Providing your child with a cap/hat
  • Wearing light clothing (sports shorts are acceptable as an alternative if you only have school trousers)
  • Putting on sun cream before the start of the school day
  • Providing a named water bottle


Sunglasses are permitted if your child is able to care for them themselves and as long as the lenses are plastic.  As with all items from home, please do not send children to school with items that are expensive, precious or would cause distress if accidentally lost or damaged.


Mr Seargent
