Dear all.
Free School Meals (FSM) are available at school for those who are subject to the Pupil Premium. In basic terms, those who have received meals as a result of an application to Derby City Council on circumstantial grounds, including finance.
Across the UK, schools offer what are referred to as Universal Free School Meals (UFSM) for Early Years, Year 1 and Year 2. These are not the same as those paid for under the Pupil Premium.
I appreciate that this is not straight forward as the systems are often referred to under the umbrella of Free School Meals.
For clarity - the government (and therefore we) are currently offering free packed lunches for children in the receipt of the Pupil Premium. If you are unsure if you are entitled to the Pupil Premium (you will know if you have applied and received confirmation of this by DCC) and want to check, call the school and ask Mrs Baird who is currently on the reception desk. She has the list and will confirm this with you.
We are currently working to support a vouchers system, however, due to the short notice given to the changes the financial methodology is not in place city wide. We hope to offer these soon.