Dear parents
Recently, we have had a number of parents informing us that they intend to or are taking holiday during term time.
As you are aware, attendance at school is compulsory for children registered at Ashgate Primary and only under ‘exceptional circumstances’ can absence be authorised.
(Full and complete guidance on in term absence is available on the school website. Click Key Information / Policies and Documents / Miscellaneous /In Term Absence requests)
The Department for Education are clear in their stipulation that ‘holiday’ is not included in their definition of what is exceptional and as such absences resulting from a declaration of or evidence of holiday cannot be authorised.
I am acutely aware that during the pandemic holidays were often cancelled or postponed owing to travel restrictions and similar. It is my duty however to inform you that a rearrangement of a cancelled holiday that is then taken during term time does not fall within the remit of ‘exceptional’.