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INSET Day - Change of dates

Important end of term and new academic year dates 2022 2023



Whilst the end of the academic year still seems some time away, the school is planning key actions in readiness for term completion and a start to the new academic year.  I wanted to keep you abreast of these.


INSET dates and last day of school for children

As you are already aware, the school is closed to pupils on Friday July 22nd for staff INSET*.


Owing to a change in phonics scheme for September onwards (training dates for which were shared this week and are limited), there has been the requirement for INSET day on Thursday 21st July.  This day will be dedicated to whole school staff training in the new phonics system being adopted as of September, led by the Flying High Trust Partnership.


Therefore, the last day of school of all children will be July 20th 2022.


In recognition of the additional day of training in this academic year, there will be only 4 INSET days next year, instead of the Department for Education stipulated 5.


INSET Date schedule 2022/2023


*What are INSET days?


INSET days (INSErvice Training days) are a government requirement for all schools and are used to provide training and development for staff that supports school improvement. Staff attend the days (or allocated hours when training is provided over the evenings) in order to meet the school’s development needs, however children are not on school site during INSET days.


Normally 5 days are allocated for each academic year. INSET days are vital to maintaining and developing best practice and ensuring that the school continues to go from strength to strength.


INSET days have always existed (historically called Baker Days or not reported), however schools commonly state when they are, rather than families being told a different return date to that of the school staff.



Common practice is to provide at least 6 weeks notice of INSET, but as a parent myself, I understand how frustrating it can be when little notice is given.   Therefore, I have arranged the INSET days for all 2022/23 academic year well in advance, giving parents the entire year’s allocation.
