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Isolation notices and the risks of 'speculation'.

Isolation of school community members – if there is ever a need to act, we will do so - and you will know about it.


This is a notice of reassurance to all.


Nationally there is an increase in members of the public who are subject to isolation as a result of ‘close proximity’ contact and are told they need to isolate for 14 days.  This is often a result of the track and trace system notification, instructing them to do so even if they have no symptoms and are perfectly well.  Public Health England give such notifications to thousands of people daily in an attempt to reduce the commonly assessed ‘R number’.


Schools are no different to the remainder of the UK and there will be occasions when individuals are told to isolate without symptoms or without a positive test outcome, simply because they have received notice to do so.  This is the nature of the system and as frustrating as it may seem for those impacted, it makes sense to be safe than sorry.


I mention this as school communities, as with the rest of the population, are increasingly likely to be advised to isolate individuals as a result of track and trace / household isolations over the coming months.  We are no different to the general population.  


This does not mean that people told to isolate have tested positive for Covid 19, are showing symptoms or have been a risk to others; it certainly does not mean that there is an increased risk in school or their place of work.  It is a precautionary action of which individuals have no control over.


IMPORTANT:  If there is a case for isolation or a positive tests for Covid 19 in the school community, there are strict and clear protocols for schools to follow as to how to manage this. 


If there was a reason to isolate children / bubbles as a result of a positive test outcome, parents would be informed as soon as this became apparent.  There would have been consultation with Public Health England, the Department for Education and Derby City Council.  We will not take risks with children’s health or that of the community, as we have already demonstrated and parents should be assured by this.


Whilst I appreciate that there is a temptation to speculate as to what is happening in schools as testing increases and more people are advised to isolate, it is at best unhelpful for people to do so.


Parents are reminded that if a child or adult does not attend school for any duration it does not mean that they have tested for Covid 19 or have symptoms, nor does it mean that others are at unnecessary increased risk.  If there is a need to inform you of any isolation requirements we will do so promptly, in consultation with medical and government advice. 
