Coronavirus update 23.3.2020 - Lockdown update
To parents/carers of children planning to attend school this week (critical key workers)
Following the latest announcement from Boris Johnson and his government this evening, I feel I should once again invite all those who have been given access to school as critical workers (both parents) to very carefully consider whether or not your child can stay at home during this enforced lockdown. It must be a last resort.
There is a clear message. Stay at home and stay safe unless absolutely essential.
I realise that a handful of key workers may have no other option, but you are strongly urged to take all possible actions. It is clear that these new control measures are significantly more important than those that have gone before and must be followed. Please take all actions possible to keep children at home or in alternative, safe care.
I am awaiting clarity from the Department of Education on how best to manage the long-term impact of the lockdown. It may be a requirement to send some children to alternative provision if they cannot stay at home and pooled access is put in place.
I would also ask you to bear in mind that these new measures, effective immediately, may impact on the number of staff who now are in a position to attend school. The school may now be required to close sooner than later. I will, of course, keep you posted if or when this may impact on our ability to open.
Social distancing:
For those of you that do choose to send your child into school tomorrow, there will be some strict social distancing measures in place which you must comply with.
I am sure you can appreciate why these measures have been put in place.
If you were planning on accessing school as both parents are key workers and have no alternative provision, please let us know tomorrow morning to enable planning.
Best wishes and take care in these unprecedented times.
Mr Seargent