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Multi Faith Centre Visit: Year 5 and 6 - Clothing -Scopay / consent

Next Week's Year 5 / 6 Visit to the Multi Faith Centre


If you have not paid or returned your child’s consent slip, they will not be able to go on the Multi Faith Centre trip.  Verbal consent via phone will be accepted.


Assumed consent through payment.

A number of parents have paid for next week’s visit to the centre via Scopay, but not as yet returned their consent slip.


It is logical to assume that unless parents tell us otherwise, payment for the visit via Scopay is indicative of consent for your child to attend the trip.  It is reasonable to assume that parents who pay for a trip consent for their child to go on it.


Trousers, not skirts.

Trousers / leggings are to be worn - not skirts or dresses.  Jogging bottoms or other leggings are acceptable.


This was not shared with the school in the original information issued.


Questions / points raised by parents:

Does my child need to bring their own head covering?

A small number of parents have asked questions regarding type of head coverings for the visit.  The centre has not specified a specific head covering and they are not required for all aspects of the visit as the centre visit is multi-faith.


Children are free to bring a suitable head covering of their choice, which could be a cap or other hat.  Putting up a coat hood will also be acceptable.   


I don’t want my child to take part in a religious act of faith or worship.

No children are asked to take part in a religious act of faith or worship.  Ashgate Primary School is not a ‘faith school’ of any form and does not affiliate itself with any religion.  Other than ‘acts of collective worship that are broadly of a Christian nature’, (Section 70 of the 1998 Act), the school does not practice, promote or affiliate itself with any specific faith or religion.


The visit is purely educational.  Children at Ashgate Primary School visit other places of religious worship, including St Barnabus Church and Ashbourne Road Church and it is the case and understood that these visits, as with a visit to the Multi Faith Centre, are not for the purpose of worship.



