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Parent Council Invite

Some time ago, we suggested establishing a ‘Parent Council’ to act as a forum to share ideas, suggestions and comments about school life. 


Governors agreed that this would be a good way to bridge the management gap between strategic and day-to-day matters. 


The Parent Council would allow increased parent voice across the school, but without having to take the lead or responsibility that governors must maintain. It would also complement some of the other groups across the school, including governors, school council and parents support programmes.  In essence, the council would have the ear of the Chair and Headteacher.


Mrs E Prentice (Chair of Governors) and I are offering to have an informal meeting and drinks with parents to get a feel for take up and role of such a council and establish how it will work.  If you think you could make a valued contribution to such a meeting, please join us on Thursday 13th October at 2:30pm – meeting in the reception of school.
