For transparency, I am publishing the priority list for acceptance in school for critical key workers. The key objective is to reduce the risk of infection by decreasing school numbers to only those where no alternative safe provision is required. Staffing levels are already significantly reduced at the school and I need to protect the workforce as much as possible in order to keep critical workers in their roles.
The government definitions are vague and many roles could arguably be included in these categories. An assessment will be undertaken as to what is defined as key workers 'critical to response to Covid 19'.
An example of which could be the category of: 'food production':
Dairy farmer: Critical to response to Covid 19 ? - YES
Sweet manufacturer: Critical to response to Covid 19 ? - NO
These decision are not easy, as there is no definition that includes every job in the UK. A reasonable and justified assessment will be required. Access to school will be at the discretion of the headteacher
Note: Department for Health guidance states that children should not attend school unless there is no safe alternative. Even those in critical roles are advised to keep their child home where possible. Only where both parents are 'critical key workers' and/or vulnerable (Child Protection / Child In Need / Looked After Child [in care], Educational Health Care Plan) will a place be offered. This is in line with Derby City Council guidance issued Friday 20th March 2020.
Vulnerable child / EHCP (either parent)
1 |
NHS / Emergency (both /lone parent)
2 |
Other critical worker (both / lone parent)
3 |