I am led to believe that some parents have been sharing, on social media, an incorrect response if your child is ill, and actions for isolation if tested/suspected of Covid 19.
It has been stated that if your child is ill with a cold, the school will tell (or have told others) that they must quarantine. This is not true.
I share again, the information passed to parents based on guidance from DfE and NHS.
If you are unsure if someone has symptoms, you should consult 111. They will advise you if a test is required.
Note: NHS guidance was 7 days isolation - now 10)
If you are advised by the NHS that your child is not showing symptoms and a test is not required, this is a standard illness and your child MUST return as soon as they are fit and able. No change to normal practice.
If you your child is tested, the result must be shared with the school regardless of outcome. If you are awaiting a test you must inform the office so that the absence is recorded accordingly.
Be practical: As the autumn approaches, children will get coughs, sneezes, runny noses and other normal ailments. There is no need to isolate in these circumstances.
NHS – Guidance on symptoms:
The main symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are:
To protect others, do not go to places like a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital if you have any of these symptoms. Get a test to check if you have coronavirus and stay at home until you get your result.