It has been brought to my attention that, once again, some pupils are not arriving in full school uniform. I have previously raised this with parents and carers and this led to significant improvements; however, some parents are not adhering to policy.
In particular:
A full copy of the governor approved school uniform policy is available on the school website.
Department for Education guidance (Guidance for governing bodies, school leaders, school staff and local authorities 2013)
“A head teacher, or a person authorised, may ask a pupil to go home briefly to remedy a breach of the school’s rules on appearance or uniform. If the pupil continues to breach uniform rules in such a way as to be sent home to avoid school, or takes longer than is strictly necessary to effect the change, the pupil’s absence may be counted as an unauthorised absence. If a school is considering excluding a pupil in response to breaches of uniform policy then this must be in line with the legal requirements for exclusion”.
As of 24th April, parents will be called to collect children to amend their attire, or bring to the school the appropriate clothing.
This date has been applied in order to allow parents to purchase the appropriate clothing if they do not have it at this time and is deemed reasonable and appropriate notice.
Objections or complaints about the school uniform policy or actions following the above guidance can be addressed to the Headteacher directly, or through the school’s governor agreed Complaints Policy (available on the school website). Parents are however reminded that admission to the school is on the grounds that governor approved policies are adhered to. By sending your child to Ashgate Primary School, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of these policies.
In the interim, the staff are directed, where it is appropriate, to ask children to remove items that do not match policy (hoodies, earrings, bows, non navy blue jumpers) and parents will receive notice that they have sent their child to school incorrectly dressed.
I would like to thank those families who do ensure that their children are in school uniform each day and are keen to demonstrate to their children the importance of education by following school policy. Your contribution is very much valued.
Yours sincerely
Mr Seargent