Whilst it may seem a long time away, current Year 6 children applications for secondary school are now open. It is very important to understand that this is not managed by primary schools and you will not receive application forms via Ashgate Primary School. You must act to make your application direct via Derby City council.
APPLICATIONS ARE NOW OPEN THROUGH DERBY CITY COUNCIL Applications can be submitted by paper online and by telephone.
Paper applications can be downloaded and sent direct to DCC. If you are unable to download an application you should call DCC (01332 642350) and request a paper copy. Paper copies ARE NOT automatically sent-
Applications are NOT sent via primary schools- DO NOT SEND THESE TO US.
The closing date for online applications is 31st October 2021.
I include below relevant information and a link to copy and paste to take you to the correct department.
Apply for year 7 at secondary school (from DCC website)
We (Derby City Council) process secondary school applications for all parents living in Derby city. If you live outside Derby city, you should apply through your local councilOpens in new tab even if you want to apply for a place at a Derby city school.
If you want to apply for the intake year of a secondary school starting in September 2022, you can make an application from 14 September 2021. The closing date for online applications is 31 October 2021. If the closing date has passed you can still apply however any applications made after the deadline date will be classed as late and will be considered after all on-time applications.
The quickest and easiest way to apply is online. You can also apply by telephone on 01332 642350. Alternatively, you can download a paper application form and return it to us or request a paper application form to be sent to you using the same telephone number.
For more details visit: