Dear Parents and Carers (update 27th Jan)
As promised, I am providing as much early notice as possible with regards to closures owing to strike action by the NEU on Wednesday January 1st.
As a result of a further notice of a reduction in available staff on the day of the NEU industrial action (next Wednesday), the school will now also be closed to Mrs Sahota and Mrs Ince’s class*.
This is in addition to the already announced closure of Year 5 and 6 classes*.
Parents have my assurance that I am doing all I reasonably can do to reduce the impact on families but I have limited staff availability. We continue to deploy all staff available to ensure there are safe adult to pupil ratios and keep open to as many families as possible.
Parents are again reminded that the closure or opening of classes to groups of children does not necessarily reflect the individuals striking or otherwise in that class, but that of the availability and re deployment of other staff in order to keep the school open to as many pupils as possible.
The school will continue to be open to all children with an Educational Health Care Plan, those supported by Child Protection Plans and those who are Looked After (in the care of the Local Authority). This includes those from classes currently identified as closed.
Parents are again advised that the possible full extent of closures will not be known until the day of the strike (Wednesday 1sr February) as NEU members are not required to inform me of their intention to strike; likewise, staff who are intending on being on school site may themselves not be able to attend because of industrial actions by the NEU in their own children’s school.
Those children whose classes are closed and are entitled to a Free School Meal can collect a packed lunch from school reception on Tuesday after school. This will negate the need for families to come to school on the day of the strike and collect one; I am aware this would result in more disruption and unnecessary travel for some.
To confirm, school will be closed to: