School is closed:
The Government have set out clear guidelines outlining that children should remain at home for the safety of all.
Therefore, schools will only be open to those where no safe alternative is available and if required where both parents (or a lone parent) are identified as 'Key Workers' / critical to Covid 19 response. Schools are also open to those identified as 'vulnerable' or with Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP).
There will be a strict vetting process as medical guidance states that an optimum safe number is 10% of the school population and a maximum of 20%. Any more and this negates safe practice.
This is in line with Government guidance and the most recent update on school access issued by Derby City Council.
The opening of schools is not statutory and school workers are being asked to support the national effort.
In this challenging time, the school will be running a skeleton staff and in line with health care advice most staff will be working from home. A rota/shift pattern will be created to support practice.
As the week progresses and more information about demand is known, adjustments may be needed and a stricter selection process applied. This will result in action against a priority list. If required to be acted on, this will be published and specific offers made individually and the retraction of others. Such practice will also be put in place if staff illness or isolation impact on capacity.
All families are required to keep their children at home - use of the school can only be offered if there is no safe alternative.
This is the Government directive and will be enforced with rigour for the safety of individuals and the community.
Headteachers have the legal right to control access to the school and therefore all decisions are at their discretion. Only where critical key workers are identified, and where no safe alternative is available, will access be given.
Note: Employment security and economic drivers cannot be a consideration.
This will of course be challenging for many and distressing for all; however we must ensure that we make sensible decisions to protect the most vulnerable and enable only those critical to the battle against Covid 19 to carry out their duties.
If you are considering arriving at school on Monday (or next week if you are shift dependent), with the view that your child may be offered a place whilst schools are closed, you should consult the attached flow chart.
Note to Key Worker Evidence
'Offered a school place' will be subject to you being able to evidence your employment status (ID/Contract/DBS/named work rota or similar) and on the understanding that if in employment, your child will only be at school during your working hours.
Where their are two parents with responsibility, it will be necessary to evidence that both are key workers in order to access care. The school retains the right to contact employers to confirm your status.
Parents of 'vulnerable children’ or with EHCPs will have already been contacted by the Learning Mentor or SENDCo.
Should a parent be found to breach any agreement or protocol the place will be retracted. This includes, in the case of 'Key Workers', if it is found that they are accessing school when not at work or where it is found that a safe alternative was available.
Should the school be placed in a situation where it cannot meet capacity it will be necessary to prioritise those roles essential to health care and security.