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Use of CCTV - improvements and use notice.

Dear Parents and Carers.


Schools and places of education have a responsibility to keep their students and teachers safe whilst on the school premises. By maintaining a CCTV system, schools can increase their level of safety and security for all those on the premises and give parents peace of mind that their child is in an institution that takes their security seriously.


Schools are free to use CCTV under a 'lawful basis' within the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) framework.  For schools, the lawful basis is that of ‘Public Task’ and therefore consent is not required.  We are however required to give notice (signage, warning notices, letters or similar) that CCTV is used.


As of this week, the school has updated its already existing CCTV coverage in and around the school site, increasing the number, range and accuracy of its imagery.  Policies for use and GDPR are available on the school website and have been quality assured by the Data Protection Officer. 
