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Weather Warning Actions - 1:30pm early closure Tuesday 19th

High Temperatures – Tuesday 19th July


Alteration to previous notices.

School closed earlier to all from 1:30pm


This message is designed to provide as early a notice as possible.


As forecast, the temperatures today have been extremely high and are set to be higher tomorrow, a reassessment of needs and actions has taken place.  This is in light of the level of temperatures forecast as well as representations from parents earlier today.


Having risk assessed the weather notices, as well as considering the practicalities linked to the volume of parents intending / wishing to collect early, I have opted to apply the following measures:


  • School will open at the usual time

  • If you would prefer to keep your child at home to keep safe in the heat, this will be authorised. Please phone to let us know your decision .  If you wish to access activities at home to work with alongside your child, generic age related materials are available on Class Pages on the school website.

  • School will close at 1.30pm for all children. Children are to be collected from the main playground as per usual arrangements.  The temperatures tomorrow afternoon are forecast to be extremely high and the earlier end time will limit the amount of time children are in very hot classrooms without moving air or air conditioning.

  • We will continue to limit outdoor activities to 10 minute intervals until the end of school.

  • Children should arrive at school in loose fitting, light clothing.  Uniforms are not required.

  • Please make sure children arrive at school with a full water bottle, with a sun hat and having had sun cream applied. This will help is all work together to ensure that everyone remains comfortable despite the hot weather. Our measures in school remain in place.


Wednesday’s temperature is forecast to be sunny, but not excessive. The school will be open as usual for all pupils on Wednesday.


Decisions limiting the length of the school day are not taken lightly and I appreciate that the decision made will cause some inconvenience, hence issuing as early notice as possible.

