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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Precautionary bubble closure - Mrs Whitney's class.

    Thu 20 May 2021 Mr Seargent

    Precautionary measures - possible Covid Case – Mrs Whitney’s Class. Class isolation for 10 days from last possible contact.  Children in this ...

  • Packed lunches provided by parents

    Wed 12 May 2021 Mr Seargent

    Dear Parent(s)/Carer(s)     As we know, from research undertaken by the School Food Trust, eating a healthy school meal can positively ...

  • Use of CCTV - improvements and use notice.

    Wed 12 May 2021 Mr Seargent

    Dear Parents and Carers.   Schools and places of education have a responsibility to keep their students and teachers safe whilst on ...
