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Access to learning devices

Struggling accessing online learning as a result of no, limited or shared devices?  We may be able to help.


Call a member of the school admin staff:

01332 343928

Ask about our device sharing offer for those in need


We have been contacting parents recently to ensure that those not attending school under critical worker category have access to a device for home learning.  This was Phase 1 provision – those who had no device and therefore were entitled for support under the government scheme.


To date we have issued over 40 laptops for those families who do not have access to any device.  Based on the information shared, we are satisfied that all homes now have at least one device to access home learning.


Further support (Phase 2)

If you feel that you would benefit from a school laptop, I am now in a position to open up the offer to other families and extend the criteria for eligibility.  


To support this, I have created a benchmark for eligibility (outlined below).  If you feel you meet any of these, you should inform the office.


  1. I have no device for home learning (as per Phase 1)
  2. I have a device for home learning, but it is a mobile phone only (no other devices are available)
  3. I have a device for home learning (not provided by Ashgate Primary School*), but it is shared by another sibling.
  4. I have a device for home learning, but it is shared by other household members for the purpose of working at home (adult).


* If you have multiple pupils at Ashgate Primary we will, where possible provide a device for each child.


Please note:  


  • Do not request a device if you do not genuinely fulfil the criteria.  Whilst I will obviously not be auditing people’s homes, falsifying your position will result in children in greater need not receiving support they need.
  • School will be required to assess need on an individual basis following the criteria above.  There are limited devices available and it will be on a needs basis, not first come first served.
  • Consideration may be required to prioritise those not accessing school at any point under the critical key worker criteria.
  • Where families have children at other schools, such as a secondary school, they should be providing devices for these children- we cannot provide these on their behalf.
  • Devices are issued with strict terms and conditions - these will be shared if you are eligible.


If you think you need support, contact us and speak to one of the office staff.


Mr Seargent
