Access to the school office/reception:
I am mindful that many of you are keen to access the school office/reception for a variety of reasons. These include school uniform purchases, and submitting paper work
At the moment the guidance restricts access to 1 person at a time on a ‘one in – one out basis’. This is likely to continue for some time.
If you need access to the school office/reception, please do so as follows:
Please note that telephone lines may be busy, particularly early in the morning.
As you can imagine, the office staff are very busy at the minute and working within very strict guidance; this may mean that there is a slight delay in us responding to you. We will see you as soon as we possibly can.
Can I remind you that if you have an urgent message for a teacher, then you should inform the school office. If you want to speak to a staff member directly (socially distanced of course), then you may do so at the end of the school day when the children are collected. Please wait for the teacher to dismiss ALL children before approaching them.