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Positive test for Covid?

If your child tests positive for Covid 19, you must inform the school immediately.


If it is out of school hours, leave a message on the answer machine or email.


  • Telephone: 01332 343928 (leave a message if out of hours or no response)
  • Email: (term time)
  • Email: (holidays only)


Follow the Gov UK isolation guidance and that given by NHS track and trace.




When calling, it is important that we are made aware of:


  • Your child's name and class
  • When they started to show symptoms
  • When they were tested
  • When the test result was received
  • When their last day at school was (this can be checked on registrations if you are unsure)


This will enable the school leadership to carry out a risk assessment as to who may have been in contact with your child and what further actions are required.  The sooner we know, the sooner we can protect others and reduce the risk of transmission.
