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  • Thanks and reminders

    Mon 28 Sep 2020 Mr Seargent

    Thank you:  


    There was a significant improvement in punctuality towards the end of last week, particularly in the morning.  


    This is important as late arrivals to school significantly increase the risk of cross contamination in the school building.  


    As a reminder, were Covid 19 cases be recorded in the school, Public Health England would audit entrance and exit to the school and impose a wider school lockdown if it were found parents were not following the guidance.  We MUST keep the reception area sterile as it is a major thoroughfare.


    I am now patrolling the local area and school gates (beyond the playground) to discuss this with parents who are putting others at risk by not arriving on time.  As I have repeatedly said, a system is only effective if people adhere to it - if it is not followed, the school will be subject to closures or greater restrictions.



    Class lines:  Once your child is in their class line and with a class teacher, you must exit the school grounds.  This increases the social distancing capacity for drop off and collection.  Whilst this was adhered to at the start, some parents are slipping with this rule.


    Messages to staff:  Please call the school office if you have messages for teachers.  Parents are not to approach staff with messages at the start of the day.  They cannot be ‘pulled to one side’ for private chats.  If you have a message that is important, the school office will be happy to receive it and it will be passed on.


    Toilets:  School toilets cannot be used by parents and their children.  Pupils have an opportunity to use the toilets throughout the day.  We, like all private premiss, do not have public toilets and Covid 19 means we must be strict in this ruling.


    Finally:  Our systems are working well and we have been fortunate to not, as yet, not had to close down classes or bubbles.  This is a mixture of fortune and effective guidance.  Let us make sure that we do not become complacent.

  • Track and Trace App

    Thu 24 Sep 2020 Mr Seargent

    Dear Parents and Carers


    Today the NHS launched their Track and Trace App


    You will notice now that if you enter the school via the reception door, you will be directed to record your entry using the QR code on an appropriate device, such as your mobile phone.  



    1. Simply open the app and then click ‘Venue Check in’
    2. Use the phone camera to record the image on the QR code (it will open this automatically)
    3. You will have checked in and supported the track and trace initiative.




    • You are not required to download the NHS app, however, if you have not, you will be required to log your details via other means on arrival at reception.
    • It is not a requirement to complete a venue check in for drop off and collection on the school playground.


    What is the App and how does it work?

    The NHS COVID-19 app has been built in collaboration with some of the most innovative organisations in the world.

    The NHS has worked with medical experts, privacy groups and at-risk communities. And shared knowledge with the teams working on similar apps in many countries.

    The app runs on proven software developed by Apple and Google, designed so that nobody will know who or where you are. And you can delete your data, or the app, at any time.

    It has a number of features:


    • Trace: find out when you've been near other app users who have tested positive for coronavirus.
    • Alert: lets you know the level of coronavirus risk in your postcode district.
    • Check-in: get alerted if you've visited a venue where you may have come into contact with coronavirus, using a simple QR code scanner. No more form filling.
    • Symptoms: check if you have coronavirus symptoms and see if you need to order a test.
    • Test: helps you order a test if you need to.
    • Isolate: keep track of your self-isolation countdown and access relevant advice.

    The app is available in the following languages:


    • English
    • Welsh
    • Bengali
    • Urdu
    • Gujarati
    • Punjabi (Gurmukhi script)
    • Chinese (Simplified)
    • Romanian
    • Turkish
    • Arabic (Modern Standard)



  • Very Important Safety Notice (COVID 19)

    Wed 23 Sep 2020

    I would like to thank the majority of parents who have been very supportive of the school and applied themselves diligently to the guidance given to protect children.  However:



    I cannot emphasis enough the importance of your child arriving on time for school.




    Last week there were in excess of 40 occasions where children arrived late in the morning, resulting in more than 80 individuals entering the reception area and increasing the risk of cross contamination in zones that are identified as sterile (as well as disruption to learning as staff are taken from their duties WITH CHILDREN to manage late arrivals).


    At the current rate, this will be exceeded this week.  THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE.


    The reception area is a corridor access for more than 75 children.  It is a key risk area and as a result we limit access to it.


    Systems are only effective if people follow them.  At this time, I am sad to say that one of the highest risk factors to pupils at the school are as follows:


    • Late arrival and pick up, resulting in adults entering areas identified as sterile zones – later used/accessed by children
    • Parents not actively social distancing on the playground
    • Parents (who may  have socially distanced on the playground) then leaving the school premises and congregating elsewhere to chat.


    Whilst I am sympathetic to a wide range of reasons late arrivals occur and the need to socialise, in the current circumstances every late arrival increases the risk of infection occurring.


    I reiterate the stance that if you arrive late, the office staff may be required to arrange an appointment to allow you back into school.


    Wearing of masks when visiting reception – now required


    I have today introduced the requirement that any member of the public above 11 years of age, entering the school reception area will be required to wear a face mask.


    This is a direct result of the inability of some parents to adhere to the rules put in place to keep your children safe and an attempt to mitigate risk as much as possible.  Facemasks are not required at school for:



    -Children under the age of 11

    -Adults dropping off or collecting from the designated areas outside of the school building



    ADVANCED NOTICE – If concerns continue, I may be required to adapt the systems and increase the number of staggered starting times to reduce adult numbers on site.  I am aware that this will be very disruptive for many and I don’t want to do this.

  • Farewell to Fred

    Thu 17 Sep 2020 Mr Seargent

    It is with sadness that I inform you that during the summer holidays, Fred, one of our two therapy dogs, passed.


    Whilst this is sad news, I am pleased to tell you that he was in no pain and there was no suffering at all.  Simply put, Fred was very old (98 if we calculate doggy years!) and he lived a very happy, active and fulfilling life.  His last day was spent on the beach, walking in the sunshine and sniffing out discarded chips; what a way for a dog to spend a last day!  He fell asleep, snoring as usual, in the company of family and then his time ended.


    At the same time that it is sad that Fred is no longer with us, it is comforting to know that he had the fortune of having hundreds of children who knew and loved him.   Whilst my home now feels empty, I know he brought great joy, pleasure and comfort to many (in this school and others), and as a result was the most happy and contented dog I have ever owned.  Be assured that your love and affection for him contributed to that happiness.


    I am sure many of us will have a fond memory of Fred; maybe him asleep at the foot my desk, sat on the playground being fussed by a line of children with smiling faces, or maybe him encouraging someone into school with a happy trot and a wagging tail.  All of these memories are part of what he offered to you and he would be pleased to know you have comfort in them.

  • Year 6 Secondary School application

    Wed 16 Sep 2020

    Year 6 only

    Children should have now received information from the local authority about applications for secondary schools. If you haven't received this, please contact the local authority and ensure applications are completed by 31st October. Applications must be completed even if applying for your catchment school.

  • Reminder of test expectations for Covid 19 response for children and families

    Mon 14 Sep 2020 Mr Seargent



    I am led to believe that some parents have been sharing, on social media, an incorrect response if your child is ill, and actions for isolation if tested/suspected of Covid 19. 


    It has been stated that if your child is ill with a cold, the school will tell (or have told others) that they must quarantine.  This is not true.  


    I share again, the information passed to parents based on guidance from DfE and NHS.


    1. If you believe your child is showing symptoms of Covid 19 or a member of your household has received a positive test, your child must be tested.  


    If you are unsure if someone has symptoms, you should consult 111.  They will advise you if a test is required.


    • Test is returned positive for Covid 19 – ten days quarantine for child (14 for household and all household must be tested)

    Note: NHS guidance was 7 days isolation - now 10)


    • Test is returned negative for Covid 19 – child MUST return to school as soon as they are fit and able. No quarantine required.


    If you are advised by the NHS that your child is not showing symptoms and a test is not required, this is a standard illness and your child MUST return as soon as they are fit and able.  No change to normal practice.


    If you your child is tested, the result must be shared with the school regardless of outcome.  If you are awaiting a test you must inform the office so that the absence is recorded accordingly.




    1. If your child is ill but not showing symptoms of Covid 19, then this is managed as per normal practice.  


    • Once they are fit and able to return, they must do so – no quarantine required.


    Be practical:  As the autumn approaches, children will get coughs, sneezes, runny noses and other normal ailments.  There is no need to isolate in these circumstances.


    1. If a household member receives a positive Covid 19 test (parent, sibling etc) all family members are tested – including children (see section 1).  


    • If the result is positive, then they can return to school after 10 days.  
    • If it is negative 14 days (owing to possible incubation period)

    NHS – Guidance on symptoms:

    The main symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are:

    • a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature).
    • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
    • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal.


    To protect others, do not go to places like a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital if you have any of these symptoms. Get a test to check if you have coronavirus and stay at home until you get your result.

  • Access to the school office/reception

    Wed 09 Sep 2020 Mr Seargent

    I want to thank you all for your ongoing support in managing the changes put in 

    place owing to Covid 19 changes.  This is genuine and heart felt.


    Access to the school office/reception:


    I am mindful that many of you are keen to access the school office/reception for a variety of reasons.  These include school uniform purchases, submitting paper work and making cash payments.


    At the moment the guidance restricts access to 1 person at a time on a ‘one in – one out basis’.  This is likely to continue for some time.


    If you need access to the school office/reception, please do so as follows:


    1. In the first instance, call the office directly.  It may be that there is no need to have direct contact and the matter can be managed over the phone.
    2. If required, a time window can be allocated for you to visit the school office/reception.


    Please note that telephone lines may be busy, particularly early in the morning.


    • When you have a time window to visit the office, you must access the reception area via the front door only.  
    • There is a one in one out system and you may be required to wait whilst visitors currently in the school are managed.  Please be patient
    • If you are in a queue to access school, please ensure that you are social distanced.  



    As you can imagine, the office staff are very busy at the minute and working within very strict guidance; this may mean that there is a slight delay in us responding to you.  We will see you as soon as we possibly can.


    Can I remind you that if you have an urgent message for a teacher, then you should inform the school office.  If you want to speak to a staff member directly (socially distanced of course), then you may do so at the end of the school day when the children are collected.  Please wait for the teacher to dismiss ALL children before approaching them.


  • Important information regarding school drop off and collection

    Tue 08 Sep 2020 Mr Seargent

    Very important information for parents of children in Year 5 and 6


    This morning there were 13 Year 5/6 children dropped off at school/arrived at school in breach of the arrangements.  Some Year 5/6 children were found on school site, unsupervised, as early as 0815 (30 minutes before their start time).  I also witnessed some parents as early as 0820 actively sending their children onto an unsupervised rear playground and leaving them.


    Not adhering to the guidance given places people at risk and increases the chances of the school being locked down again.


    Having chatted to some very helpful and supportive parents this morning (thank you as your feedback on interpretation was very helpful for me and well received), I wish to clarify some key points that may not be clear.



    1. Parents are not to leave / allow unsupervised arrival of children in Years 5/6 until a staff member is located at the entrance to the rear playground (between the green shed gates and the dining hall).  This will be no earlier than 0835 and you should not enter the playground earlier the this time. 
    2. If you have arrived earlier to drop off a child in EYFS or Year 1/2 you must remain socially distant on the main, front playground until a staff member arrives as described above.
    3. Once your child has been left with a supervising staff member, you must leave the school grounds immediately.  Parents are not permitted on the rear playground in the morning (see below for adjustments to collection at end of the day).
    4. Access is via the gates defined in the school guidance.  (I am looking to remove this directive if parents are able to manage gate entrances without creating congestion.  I will keep you updated.
    5. If pupils arrive after 0845 access to school will then need to be arranged at an alternative time and this may not be immediate.


    Whilst I appreciate that this is inconvenient for some parents who need to get to work or drop off children at other locations, these arrangements are not flexible.  We are doing all possible to meet people's needs, however, you must understand that the nature of the circumstance and building mean that there are few measures that will suit all.


    As Headteacher I am responsible for ensuring the Gov UK guidance is adhered to and that the measures put in place negate or reduce risk of cross contamination as much as possible.


    Should parents be unwilling to follow the measures, then I will have no option but to introduce additional start and finish times as well as closure of the school site to parents, which would be very inconvenient for a majority of families.  More importantly, not following the guidance increases the likelihood of a lockdown of the school and individuals becoming seriously ill.


    Reasonable adjustment following feedback

    Parents and staff report that at the end of the school day it can be difficult to release Year 5/6 children to parents as they cannot be seen.

    In order to resolve this, parents will be allowed to stand (socially distanced) on the rear playground to collect their child at the end of the school day.  When navigating the gap between buildings, you must stay left following the arrow markers on the playground floor.

    Please do not bunch up and congregate.  Stay socially distant to reduce the risk of infection AND to allow staff to see parents so that they can release children to them.


    Thank you for your ongoing support.


    Mr Seargent

  • We're ready for Monday!

    Fri 04 Sep 2020 Mr Seargent

    Dear parents and carers.


    We are so looking forward to re opening fully to all children as of Monday.  Whilst times remain challenging owing to the pandemic, we know that the stability and care offered by Ashgate Primary School will enable the return to normality to begin.


    Clearly, the school has worked very hard to ensure that it is ready for a full return; indeed, parents were provided with detailed guidance at the end of the year and this remains available on the school website noticeboard below this link.  Copies were made available with school reports.


    This message is designed to reiterate key points that will keep children and others on the school premises as safe as possible.  PLEASE READ THE GUIDANCE AND THE NOTES BELOW AGAIN BEFORE MONDAY.


    The school has a thorough and guidance driven risk assessment and all that can be practically done to reduce risk of infection is being done.  As with all establishments, including the home, this is not a guarantee that there will be zero risk of infection.  You do however have the assurance that the guidance issued to parents is considered and informed, as is the risk assessment and direction issued to staff.


    Frequently asked questions / points of clarity

    Parents MUST adhere to the staggered time slots given.  These are neither optional or negotiable.


    • Arriving late or early places others at increased risk.  
    • Children arriving late to school may not be immediately given access and an alternative drop off time later that day may need arranging.  


    Remember, pupils are allocated class and group bubbles.  Late arrival impacts on the effectiveness of this as it increases the risk of cross contamination as staff are called from their duties or there is increased movement across the school.   


    No child is to be dropped off and left unattended before their class teacher is available to collect them.  If older children normally arrive on their own, they must arrive punctually and act responsibly on arrival.  If this is not the case, there will be an insistence that they are brought by an adult.


    The school is not an island, you must do your bit.

    Safeguarding practices in school are only effective if parents themselves follow the guidance issued regarding expectations in the home and wider community.  This is your responsibility.  Whilst it is possible that children become symptomatic as a result of contact in school, it is equally, if not more likely, that children will become infected as a result of guidance outside of the school’s control not being followed thorough.  In reality, schools are much safer than any other communal area.  Whilst we can cleanse, disinfect, arrange, re arrange and restrict access, this is of little value if parents and carers are inattentive elsewhere.  With this in mind, parents must:


    • Exit school grounds once their child is with the class teacher
    • Social distance at all times (2m as an expectations)
    • Not loiter or congregate on school grounds (or beyond) or breach social distancing expectations travelling to or from the school
    • Approach the class teacher for ‘quick chats’ or updates on the playground (see guidance issued on how this should be done).


    Staff have been directed to intervene if any of the above is disregarded.  Should it be felt that a breach is placing others at risk and requests to act in accordance with the guidance are ignored, I (headteacher) have the right under education legislation to remove permissive access to the school on the grounds of safety.



    If a carer or childminder is used to drop children off, this is acceptable. 

    We ask that you follow the government guidance linked to social distancing where this is the case.  It is recognised in such circumstances that children may be in contact with children from other bubbles and groups.  Indeed, this will occur naturally with siblings who are brought to school by parents.  We ask that all reasonable steps are undertaken to reduce risk by applying the guidance given by Gov UK.


    Children can bring bags and similar to school only if necessary.

    However, they should only contain essential materials.  Stationary will be provided for all children, so no pencil cases are needed.


    Children bringing lunches (including ALL children in Year 3 upwards) must have their lunchbox clearly labelled.  

    Lunches should be nutritious in nature and represent a balanced diet.  Remember, food is fuel; you would not fill a petrol tank with substandard petrol with added ingredients and expect it to function well, children are no different.


    Labelled water bottles are required – these should be in addition to any in lunchboxes. 

    These will be sent home daily with your child and returned each day.  They will be able to fill these when in school.  It is important that this is not the same as any in a lunchbox as children will not have access to lunchboxes in lessons.


    A change of footwear for PE is required

    However, guidance advises that children should not change for PE at this time, therefore only footwear is needed.  Children should bring these to school but arrive in school shoes.


    Parents do not need to bring home learning activities back to school

    Currently, we are trying to reduce the exchange of materials between home and school.  It is not that we are unappreciative or do not value these activities bit all that can be done must be done to reduce the risk of transmission from homes to school and visa versa.  Likewise, at this time, paper homework activities will not be sent home, however support activities in other forms will commence very shortly.


    Parents using public transport must follow the Gov guidance.  Social distancing and the use of facemasks on public transport is vital.


    Children and staff at school are not to wear face coverings.  This is in line with Gov UK guidance.  Face coverings are only required in secondary school settings and under specific circumstance. Young children managing face coverings is in itself a risk.  You can however use face coverings outside of school as per the local guidance.  If a child arrives at school with a face covering, they will be asked to remove it.


    Tuck shop will continue at morning break

    However, this will be done in bubble and class groupings.  To reduce the risk associated with money exchange, all items are 20p and only the exact money will be accepted.
