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  • Mindfulness activities to try at home

    Fri 29 Jan 2021 Mrs Forte

    What is mindfulness? 


    Mindfulness means paying full attention to something.  It means slowing down to really notice what you are doing.


    Why is being mindful good for us?


    Mindfulness helps us to:

    • focus better
    • stay calm under stress
    • not get too upset about things
    • slow down instead of rush
    • listen better to others
    • be more patient
    • get along better with others
    • feel happier and to enjoy things more


    Try some of these activities from the mindfulness menu. 

  • Closure for deep clean - urgent message to parents.

    Thu 28 Jan 2021 Mr Seargent


    Following consultation with Public Health this morning -  

    the school will now be closed for deep clean: 

    Friday 29th and Monday 1st February


    An appeal


    Please, please, please, stick to the rules for identifying symptoms and isolation.  


    The impact of individuals not following the guidance for symptoms and isolation can be significant.  The rules are well known and shared repeatedly; there is no reason or excuse to flout them.


    Immediate actions

    If your child or any other member of the household displays any of the symptoms for Covid 19, guidance is very clear – isolated the household and test those symptomatic immediately.  Do not allow your child to attend school.


    IF IT’S A COUGH, THEY SHOULD BE OFF – isolate and test


    It is not appropriate to ‘wait and see if it goes away’ or to have the view that ‘it may not be Covid’, and carry on to see if it gets worse and act later.  




    There is a widely held view that children do not get Covid and that the NHS will not test them.  Parents have told me this in person.  THIS IS SIMPLY NOT TRUE and this widely held belief is causing people to ignore the rules and put others at risk.  



    The impact and some context

    A single child sent to school with symptoms and then later found to be positive will place into isolation, and run the risk of higher transmission to:


    1. All children in their bubble (currently around 15 critical key worker children each year grouping) 
    2. The class teacher
    3. The class teaching assistant (or more than one if the bubble has multiple support for the likes of Special Educational Needs or if staff are job share)
    4. The mid day supervisor caring for the group at lunchtime
    5. Admin staff who cared for the child whilst awaiting collection


    On average, 20 families would have to manage isolation (more depending on level of support staff in the class and numbers of children attending on that day) and may now have transmitted the infection to others .


    Importantly, if the child has a younger or older brother or sister in school who also tests positive (highly likely as they are in close proximity in the home) the impact extends to another bubble.


    Finally:  whilst our priority is always the children, the staff isolations owing to pupils attending wiith symptoms impacts on the wider operational capacity of the school.  If I do not have staff available, I cannot open the school for others.


    Please do not flout the rules of isolation and testing.  Act promptly.



  • Bubble Closure Year 5 and 6

    Wed 27 Jan 2021 Mr Seargent

    Closure of Year 5/6 bubble as of January 27th 2021 until Monday 8th February 2021


    The school has received confirmation of a positive test outcome for Covid 19.


    Owing to the operational impact on the community and for the safety of others, school is now unable to open to any Year 5 and 6 children until Monday, February 8th.


    Children can return to school on Monday 8th February if they are not displaying symptoms.


    Whilst we appreciate the inconvenience caused, the safety of the school and wider community is paramount and we must act accordingly.


    Does my child have to isolate?

    Guidance has been reviewed and as a result, those children attending school on the following dates, (January 21st (Thurs), 22nd (Friday), 25th (Mon) and 26th (Tuesday ) must isolate until midnight Friday 5th February (10 days from the last possible day of contact with the individual testing positive), or 10 days from their last day at school if they did not attend on all days.


    If your child is in Year 5 or 6 and did not attend on any of these dates(for example, they were ill, home schooling or similar) they are not required to isolate, but should not attend school as the bubble is now closed.  Bubble closure is an operational matter as isolation impacts on the safety of others and staffing availability.


    I know my child needs to isolate, but do other household members have to do likewise?

    Household members are not required to isolate unless the child, or any other member of the household starts to display symptoms.  If symptoms are displayed, the whole household must isolate and those with symptoms must be tested.


    The main symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are:

    • a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
    • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
    • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal



    My child must now isolate, but if I get them tested and the outcome is negative can they return to school?

    No.  Even if your child does not have symptoms and/or has a negative test outcome, they must still isolate until the designated 10 days ends.  This is because of the incubation period of 10 days.


    Further guidance on isolation and testing is found below.


    Home Learning provision will be in place for all pupils.  Please visit the Covid 19 page on the school website or review the booklet for Remote Learning issued earlier in the term.


  • Bubble Closure Year 1 and 2

    Tue 26 Jan 2021 Mr Seargent

    Closure of Year 1 /2 bubble as of January 26th 2021 until Tuesday 2nd February 2021


    The school has received confirmation of a positive test outcome for Covid 19.  Confirmation was received today, January 26th 2021.


    Owing to the operational impact on the community and for the safety of others, school is now unable to open to any Year 1 and 2 children until Tuesday, February 2nd.


    Children can return to school on Tuesday 2nd February if they are not displaying symptoms


    Whilst we appreciate the inconvenience caused, the safety of the school and wider community is paramount and we must act accordingly.


    Does my child have to isolate?

    Guidance has been reviewed and as a result, those children attending school on the following dates, (January 20th, 21st and 22nd) must isolate until midnight Monday 1st February (10 days from the last possible day of contact with the individual testing positive), or 10 days from their last day at school if they did not attend on all days.


    If your child is in Year 1 or 2 and did not attend on any of these dates(for example, they were ill, home schooling or similar) they are not required to isolate, but should not attend school as the bubble is now closed.  Bubble closure is an operational matter as isolation impacts on the safety of others and staffing availability.


    I know my child needs to isolate, but do other household members have to do likewise?

    Household members are not required to isolate unless the child, or any other member of the household starts to display symptoms.  If symptoms are displayed, the whole household must isolate and those with symptoms must be tested.


    The main symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are:

    • a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
    • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
    • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal



    My child must now isolate, but if I get them tested and the outcome is negative can they return to school?

    No.  Even if your child does not have symptoms and/or has a negative test outcome, they must still isolate until the designated 10 days ends.  This is because of the incubation period of 10 days.


    Further guidance on isolation and testing is found below.


    Home Learning provision will be in place for all pupils.  Please visit the Covid 19 page on the school website or review the booklet for Remote Learning issued earlier in the term.



  • School late opening Tuesday 26th January

    Mon 25 Jan 2021 Mr Seargent

    Dear parents and carers.


    Met Office are warning of icy conditions on untreated surfaces, pavements and cycle paths tomorrow until 10am.  Whilst snow is always a hazard, it is ice that is the more pressing concern on most occasions.


    As a result, the school will not open until 10:15am (when the Met Office warning is scheduled to end)  for those children of critical workers.  This will allow Mr Hill and I the opportunity to clear and re grit any icy pathways on school site and will ensure that staff have ample time to travel.


    As always, parents are advised to consider their own safety and whether or not they deem it safe to travel to school.


    School opening remains subject to staff being able to safely travel to and from their homes.  Should staff numbers not meet the safety requirements on site, a decision may still be required to close the school to all.  If this is the case, or if conditions change significantly, parents will be informed as soon as possible.  I do not anticipate this will be necessary, but it is not a guarantee.


    Mr Seargent

  • Extension of school laptop offer

    Mon 25 Jan 2021 Mr Seargent

    Extension of school laptop offer.


    We have been contacting parents recently to ensure that those not attending school under critical worker category have access to a device for home learning.  This was Phase 1 provision – those who had no device and therefore were entitled for support under the government scheme.


    To date we have issued around 30 laptops for those families who do not have access to any device.  Based on the information shared, we are satisfied that all homes now have at least one device to access home learning.


    Further support (Phase 2)

    If you feel that you would benefit from a school laptop, I am now in a position to open up the offer to other families and extend the criteria for eligibility.  


    To support this, I have created a benchmark for eligibility (outlined below).  If you feel you meet any of these, you should inform the office.


    1. I have no device for home learning (as per Phase 1)
    2. I have a device for home learning, but it is a mobile phone only (no other devices are available)
    3. I have a device for home learning (not provided by Ashgate Primary School), but it is shared by another sibling.
    4. I have a device for home learning, but it is shared by other household members for the purpose of working at home (adult).


    Please note:  


    • Do not request a device if you do not genuinely fulfil the criteria.  Whilst I will obviously not be auditing people’s homes, falsifying your position will result in children in greater need not receiving support they need.
    • School will be required to assess need on an individual basis following the criteria above.  There are limited devices available and it will be on a needs basis, not first come first served.
    • Consideration may be required to prioritise those not accessing school at any point under the critical key worker criteria.
    • Where families have children at other schools, such as a secondary school, they should be providing devices for these children- we cannot provide these on their behalf.
    • Devices are issued with strict terms and conditions - these will be shared if you are eligible.


    We will be contacting parents as of Monday February 1st  if they are to be provided a device.



  • Free School Meal Vouchers - February half term.

    Mon 25 Jan 2021 Mr Seargent

    Dear parents


    You are no doubt aware that the government have stated that there will be no free school meal funding over the February half term.  The view of the government is that parents are now supported by the Covid Winter Grant – and that they should use this funding in place of the current food hamper and vouchers system.  This position, may of course change!


    HoweverI have decided that Ashgate Primary School will, regardless of the Department for Education’s position, continue to support free school meals over the February half term - funding this independently.


    We are committed to our school community, recognise the need of our parents and their children, and will act independent of the formal directive. 


    Parents already in receipt of vouchers will not be required to do anything differently; vouchers will arrive in their current form.


    I would like to thank the School Business Manager, Mrs Warburton, whose continued financial diligence places us in a position to act according to need.

  • Supporting you child at home.

    Mon 18 Jan 2021 Mrs Forte

    Here are some strategies that you can use at home to support you child if they feel stressed or anxious or are just not coping at any point during lockdown, some of these may not work and that is okay. 

    1. Keep your child in a routine, it is really important to get them up and get them ready each morning as they would for school. Structure and routine are good and mentally it gets us ready for the day ahead. 
    2. If your child is feeling stressed with school work online then you can give them a break, it is okay to take a break from learning and it is okay to not complete the work all in one go. 
    3. Break up the work into smaller chunks and if you can use a visual cue or now and next board to show them what they have to do. 
    4. If they need it, use a timer to give them a clear start and finish time for each activity or lesson. You can use online timers, such as the one here -  
    5. Make sure that they get some downtime and they get some time to relax. 
    6. If your child gets angry, then give them some space and allow them to go somewhere that they feel safe, possibly their bedroom and let them do something that they like, something that will calm them down. 
    7. Do not push them to talk about why they are angry or upset until they are ready to talk. If you push it too quickly then they may have to start the process of self-regulation again. 
    8. Provide them with calming/sensory equipment. It can be a simple as a ball of blue-tack or can be more expensive, such as a sensory cube or tangle toy. 
    9. If your child needs an overlay in school then they can download the Colorveil programme to support them whilst they are doing their online learning and it is free -

    Do not struggle alone, please ask for help.  Further support and wellbeing information can be found our Emotional Wellbeing page;

    Further support for parents is also available;



  • School Meal Vouchers - further information

    Thu 14 Jan 2021 Mr Seargent

    Note of reassurance for parents receiving Free School Meal entitlement via vouchers. 


    There has been increased publicity over the last few days highlighting the clear instruction to school leaders not to issue Free School Meal vouchers to parents and instead arrange food parcels home.   


    We strongly encourage schools to work with their school catering team or food supplier to provide food parcels to eligible free school meal pupils who are at home’. (Providing free school meals guidance for schools during lockdown, January 2021). 


    In addition to this, the government removed the approved/administrated system (Edenred) for free school meal vouchers after the first lockdown, leading an increasing number of school leaders to revert to food parcels. 


    Why are the government recommending schools use catering firms to send parcels rather than issue vouchers?

    This is a controversial directive and action from the government that has yet to be explained thoroughly.  Certainly, it is different to that of the initial lockdown.   It is possible that not using school catering providers may result in the loss of services in the long run as they become financially non-viable.  In turn, this could result in the forced closure of school kitchens when 'normality' returns.  The impact of this would be catastrophic as it would remove the options available for hot meals at schools - no caterers, no hot food.   


    Despite this, there are indications that the government are looking to reinstate a centralised voucher scheme for schools in the near future, which would be a u-turn on the position to date. 



    Will Ashgate continue to issue vouchers? 


    I want to reassure parents that, even though the voucher system put in place by Gov UK has now been terminated and I have been directed otherwise, Ashgate Primary School will continue to offer food vouchers during lockdown, as we always have when they have been available.  In order to do so, we are acting independently of the guidance. 


    I act in this manner as: 

    • It respects parental choice for food produce for their family. 
    • Allows families to plan meals for the household, rather than individuals. 
    • Removes the risk of issuing food that may not meet allergy requirements. 
    • Enables my staff to focus on actions in school and to the direct benefit of children’s learning needs, as opposed to administrative tasks. 
    • Removes any suggestion of unsuitable provision by catering providers schools would be required to use. 


    This action will continue to be reviewed in line with guidance.  


    Advanced notice of any change to this arrangement will be shared if and when appropriate. 






    Tue 12 Jan 2021 Headteacher and Chair of Governing Body

    A statement by the Headteacher, countersigned by the Chair of Governing Body.


    ‘Parents and carers should keep their children at home if they can [including those of critical workers]’ (Critical Key Worker Guidance – Gov UK 4thJanuary 2021)






    The number of pupils attending school in this lockdown is more than 5 fold that during the first and has nearly doubled over the last 2 school days. This is not sustainable, safe, or in the spirit or of the guidance issued by the government.


    Parents are respectfully reminded that government clearly states that you should only send your child to school if there is no alternative - even if you are recognised as a critical worker.  I am aware that some families are interpreting the guidance as meaning they can send their child to school even when there is a safe substitute for care, such as another adult at home or when they are not at work. This is not the intent of the document issued.


    In its simplest form, regardless of eligibility, if there is an adult at home your child should not be at school. Eligibility, necessity and safety are not necessarily compatible at this time.



    Whilst schools are not unsafe they may be vectors for transmission in communities’ – ‘those who can stay at home, must stay at home’(Prime Minister, Boris Johnson)


    I am aware of a number of schools that are now having to turn away families with legitimate need as a result of the high volumes of parents attempting to access school for their child when it is not necessary. I do not wish to be placed in a position where I am required to act similarly.


    I request that you only send your child if:


    • You are eligible under government guidance and that you honour the spirit in which it is written
    • Your child only attends on the days you are required to work as a critical worker and /or when no other adult or safe alternative is available


    Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated.



