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  • Drone report

    Mon 28 Feb 2022 Mr Seargent

    For your information:


    Today there was a report of a ‘drone’ flying over and around the school site during the lunchtime period. Not surprisingly this did create some excitement amongst the children and I am sure that if they saw it they may share this with you.


    I am aware that building companies/surveyors often use such devices to make assessments and compile reports, likewise enthusiasts can be seen to fly such devices regularly.


    There is no indication that this was a malicious act or similar, however it has been reported to Derbyshire Police and they will be briefing officers.

  • Free on site cycle service offer!

    Mon 28 Feb 2022 Mr Seargent

    FREE Bicycle Service and Repair Offer


    I am delighted to announce that as a result of our continued collaboration with Cycle Derby and Sustrans, and as part of our Every Child a Rider programme, we are in a position to offer a Cycle Maintenance event at school on MONDAY 14th MARCH.


    The purpose of this offer is to get as many bikes as we can serviceable and safe for children in order to promote active engagement, physical and mental wellbeing.


    Who is the offer open to?

    Priority will be given to the maintenance and repair of children’s cycles; however adult bikes may be included subject to demand.


    As slots with the mechanic will be limited, we ask that you only request a service of your own / your child’s bike if it needs repair/adjustment, and or if you feel it may be unsafe in any way.


    Will all bikes be serviced?

    Priority will be given on a ‘first come first served’ basis as time and availability will be limited.  Likewise, priority may be given on the day to bikes that appear unsafe.


    It will be necessary to complete the slip attached to a letter sent home

    and only when confirmed should you bring a bike to school.


    We will do all we can to get as many bikes seen, but there will be a limit.


    What kind of service or repairs will be included?


    As a minimum the mechanic will address:

    • Safety check
    • Replacement of innertubes (punctures)/tyre inflation
    • Adjustment of and replacement of brake cables and blocks
    • Handlebar and seat adjustments
    • Lubrication of working parts
    • Recommendations for further work (if required)


    Is there a cost?

    Absolutely not!  Replacement and repair of items listed above are free of charge as is labour.


    Who will complete the work?

    There will a qualified cycle mechanic completing the work provided by Sustrans and Cycle Derby.


    Do I need to stay with the bike and wait for it to be serviced?

    No.  There will be a collection and service point on the playground (or other designated area if it is poor weather).  Cycles will be left at school for the day and can be collected as children leave.


    What’s next?

    If you would like a mechanic to repair or check a bike, please complete the slip attached to the letter sent home on Monday 28th February and return it to the class teacher no later than Friday 4th.  The earlier a slips is returned, the more chance there is of receiving a slot.


    Remember, there are limited slots and places will be offered on a first come, first serve basis.  Therefore, requesting a slot does not automatically mean one will be available for you – please wait for confirmation.


    Yours sincerely


    Mr Seargent

  • Conduct reminder

    Wed 16 Feb 2022 Mr Seargent

    REMINDER: Conduct of Parents on the Playground and on School Site

    Children follow the model set by their parents and other adults

    Parents are reminded that their own conduct towards others is one of the highest impacting influences for their own children when dealing with conflict. 


    I therefore respectfully remind all that confrontational, aggressive or abusive conduct by adults, verbal or physical, whilst on school site will not be tolerated.  This includes such behaviour towards members of the school community, parents, pupils and staff.  Parents are expected to demonstrate a respectful and considerate approach towards my staff and any breach of this will not be tolerated.


    Acting in such a manner encourages children to deal with conflict in a similar way; the reality is that if you act in an aggressive, angry or abusive manner, your child is likely to replicate this in their own interactions. 


    The Law – The right for the Headteacher to ban parents from school site.

    Under law (Section 547, Education Act 1996), the Headteacher can withdraw the right of any individual to be on the school premises; this includes parents and carers.


    A parent/carer of a child attending a school normally has implied permission, from the Headteacher, to be on school premises at certain times and for certain purposes.  However, if their behaviour is ‘unreasonable’ this permission may be withdrawn, and the individual banned from the school site.  At this point, entry by that person on school site will be deemed ‘trespass’ and prosecutable by law.


    As a ‘Safe School’, supported by the Derby City Safe Community initiative and Derbyshire Police, physical or verbal abuse will result in police action and prosecution will be sought.


    Parents banned by the Headteacher have the right to appeal to the school Governing Body.


    If you are unhappy with another parent/child’s conduct

    If parents and carers have concerns about the conduct of another adult or child whilst they are on school premises, it is to be addressed with the school, initially with the class teacher and where the issue is unresolved or where a class teacher is otherwise engaged, the Deputy Headteacher or Headteacher.


    We are happy to mediate and support parents (even on matters relating to conflict outside school), but will only do so if they act in a civil manner.


    Advice given to children by parents that contravenes good conduct

    As with all schools, there are occasions when a minority of children make poor choices, fall out with other pupils or continue disputes and arguments from outside school.  I am delighted to say that these are rare at Ashgate Primary School and that incidents of poor behaviour are not commonplace.  We have a robust behaviour policy which means that expectations are clear and when these are not met, they are dealt with quickly and effectively.


    We continually meet with children to offer support and guidance if they fall out with one another and work positively to address problems they have; this has a huge positive impact on the children and the school community as a whole.


    Parents advising their child to ‘retaliate’ by hitting another child are acting in a manner that will make problems worse.  They are in fact putting their own child at risk of sanctions, including loss of privileges and or fixed/permanent exclusion. 


    I have a zero tolerance towards poor behaviour and although parents may feel that their advice is good, and reasonable, they are not helping their child.  There will often be reasons but never excuses for poor behaviour; it is important that all children are treated equally.  Provocation or parental consent is not an excuse for poor conduct and will not be a consideration when applying the behaviour policy.


    Do not put your child at risk of punishment by telling them to act in a way that you would not tolerate if it were done to your child.  You will be at as much fault for your child’s punishment and actions.


    Thank you

    It is appropriate for me to reiterate that the vast majority of parents conduct on the school site is exemplary, as is that of the children.  This information is shared to ensure that the school community as a whole is supported and that my expectations are made clear.

    Ashgate is a very effective school with a supporting community.  I will do all in my power to ensure that this is maintained and where possible improve the experience of children and their families.


    Peter Seargent





  • Covid update from Dr Robyn Dewis Director of Public Health

    Tue 08 Feb 2022 Dr Robyn Dewis Director of Public Health

    The following advise has been shared with Early Years (Nursery Providers not Primary) but is appropriate to all settings.  I include this for your information and ask that parents act on the guidance given to Early Years settings and consider wearing a face mask when dropping off and picking up from school.  


    Dear Parents and Carers,


    Despite overall reports that COVID infections are falling, we are still seeing a high number of cases in the City, over 2000 each week, and we expect rates to remain high over the next few weeks.


    Cases in children are at their highest since the start of the pandemic. Many early years settings (nurseries, pre-schools and childminders) are working extremely hard to keep settings open while ensuring children and staff are safe.


    I am writing to ask for your help and support to reduce Covid-19 spread and keep settings open. I have written to Nursery Headteachers and Managers to provide them with advice and hope that, by working together, we can keep children in provision over the next few challenging months.


    I have advised all early years providers to:

    • Increase ventilation inside and to be outside as much as possible.

    • Ensure a continued focus on thorough and frequent cleaning, along with increased handwashing and sanitising.

    • Ask parents to wear face coverings at drop-off and pick-up or if they visit inside, unless exempt.

    • Ask staff to wear face coverings where possible and appropriate.

    • Encourage staff to use the home testing/ lateral flow kits twice a week and report results.  These tests are to use regularly when you do not have any symptoms.

    • Identify any contacts of positive cases and provide advice that is based on the setting’s rates of infection.

    • Remind everyone that those with symptoms need to stay at home and take a PCR test. Children should not return to the setting before the result comes back and staff may ask to see the result.

    • Remind everyone who is positive for COVID that they need to isolate at home.

    • Ask household contacts to stay at home until they have had a negative PCR result.


    I am asking that parents and carers also:

    • Use the home testing/ lateral flow kits twice a week and report the results. Parents can use them with younger children if they wish to.

    • Wear a face covering if you need to gather with others when you drop-off or collect your child. Some settings require this.

    • Please keep your child at home if they have COVID symptoms (a new cough, a temperature or loss of taste/smell) and arrange a PCR test. If your setting currently has an outbreak then other symptoms such as sore throat or cold symptoms may also indicate COVID infection.

    • Please follow the advice provided by your childcare provider if your child is identified as a contact. This might include a bookable PCR test, daily LFTs if you are able, or isolation.

    • Please keep your child/ children at home if someone in your household has COVID until they have had a PCR test and received a result.


    Thank you for supporting your childcare setting to keep open and keep everyone safe.


    Yours sincerely

    Dr Robyn Dewis Director of Public Health
