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  • Weather Warning Actions - 1:30pm early closure Tuesday 19th

    Mon 18 Jul 2022 Mr Seargent

    High Temperatures – Tuesday 19th July


    Alteration to previous notices.

    School closed earlier to all from 1:30pm


    This message is designed to provide as early a notice as possible.


    As forecast, the temperatures today have been extremely high and are set to be higher tomorrow, a reassessment of needs and actions has taken place.  This is in light of the level of temperatures forecast as well as representations from parents earlier today.


    Having risk assessed the weather notices, as well as considering the practicalities linked to the volume of parents intending / wishing to collect early, I have opted to apply the following measures:


    • School will open at the usual time

    • If you would prefer to keep your child at home to keep safe in the heat, this will be authorised. Please phone to let us know your decision .  If you wish to access activities at home to work with alongside your child, generic age related materials are available on Class Pages on the school website.

    • School will close at 1.30pm for all children. Children are to be collected from the main playground as per usual arrangements.  The temperatures tomorrow afternoon are forecast to be extremely high and the earlier end time will limit the amount of time children are in very hot classrooms without moving air or air conditioning.

    • We will continue to limit outdoor activities to 10 minute intervals until the end of school.

    • Children should arrive at school in loose fitting, light clothing.  Uniforms are not required.

    • Please make sure children arrive at school with a full water bottle, with a sun hat and having had sun cream applied. This will help is all work together to ensure that everyone remains comfortable despite the hot weather. Our measures in school remain in place.


    Wednesday’s temperature is forecast to be sunny, but not excessive. The school will be open as usual for all pupils on Wednesday.


    Decisions limiting the length of the school day are not taken lightly and I appreciate that the decision made will cause some inconvenience, hence issuing as early notice as possible.


  • Weather warning and actions

    Sat 16 Jul 2022 Mr Seargent

    Severe weather warning issued


    On Friday a Red (severe) weather warning was issued for heat by the Met Office, which included the Derby City area.


    The warning is issued for Monday and Tuesday of next week with temperatures expected to reach up to 40 degrees C.  This has increased significantly than that originally forecast.


    As Headteacher, I have a duty of care to ensure that all steps that are reasonable and practical are taken to keep children safe; this includes responding appropriately to guidance and warnings issued by appropriate authorities.


    Having reviewed the information available and consulted with the School Senior Leadership Team, I am placing the following precautions in place for Monday and Tuesday.




    Morning break times outdoors will be reduced to ten minute periods.  These breaks occur before the forecasted peaks in temperature.


    Lunch break will be indoors, although there may be options for short 10 minute breaks outside dependent on circumstance. 


    Although school will remain open, parents and carers wishing to collect their children earlier will be able to do so as of 1:15pm.  Working in this way allows parents to make their own informed decisions whilst supporting those who are unable to or do not wish to collect their children earlier.  Peak temperatures are currently forecasted for around 2:30pm onwards.  Collection earlier than 1:15pm will not be authorised.


    Note:  Children can be collected via the main reception entrance.  If you are asking another adult to collect, the school office must be informed in advance or a note provided with the collecting adult giving your permission.


    Clothing:  Children will be free to attend school in any clothing they feel cool and comfortable in.  This includes sporting attire and other clothing that is not normally deemed school uniform.  As previously shared, hats, sunglasses and suncream are recommended.


    Year 6 trip.

    Sadly the Year 6 trip will now be cancelled owing to the fact that children will be expected to walk to and from the venue during forecasted peak heat times.  Whilst I am satisfied that some precautions could be put in place, they do not outweigh the risks and would not reflect the severe nature of the warnings given.  As the trip is cancelled by school and not the venue, a full refund will be offered to parents.


    Thank you for your understanding.

  • Class allocations

    Fri 15 Jul 2022 Mr Seargent

    Classes for 2022/23.


    Today your child will be informed of their class and teacher for the academic year 2022/23.  A slip to update you on who their teacher will be next year will be included with reports issued today.


    Class groupings are an operational matter and are based on multiple and complex factors, including (but not exclusively):


    • Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) provision and needs
    • Ratios of pupils supported for English as an Additional Language (EAL)
    • Balance of academic abilities and needs
    • Gender weighting
    • Accommodation of new pupils


    We take all reasonable steps to place children into known friendship groups, but this is not always possible.  However, all children (other than new arrivals) are placed in a class where they have peers they know, even if it is not their best friend.  Children do get to meet, play, and engage with other friends at break and lunch time, even if they are not in the same class.  New friendships are fostered and built throughout the year, and this is often refreshing for the child long term.


    Whilst most children are excited and positive about the new academic year, some children find the planned changes in classes and teachers worrying or unsettling initially.  Parents are asked to support their child positively if they are disappointed or would have had another preference of class.  They should be reassured at home to ease any anxieties or apprehensions and not have them underpinned by parents offering or stating that they will seek or make a change.


    It is not possible or realistic for individual representations to be made and non will be given at this time.  All classes are monitored and moderated carefully throughout the year and only in very exceptional circumstances would changes be made in consultation with staff and with consideration to all.





  • Staffing updates for 2022

    Fri 15 Jul 2022 Mr Seargent

    Dear parents and carers


    Staffing announcements


    Mr Donaldson has stepped away from classroom duties due to an on-going personal matter. I ask you to respect his privacy during this time.


    Unfortunately, he has decided that he will not be returning in September as he looks forwards to other challenges ahead. We wish him all the best in his new ventures.


    Mrs Fennemore will be fulfilling Mr Donaldson's teaching duties until staffing recruitment processes have been undertaken.  We are delighted that Mrs Fennemore has made herself available to teach as she is very experienced, knows the children and school practices well.  She will be a real asset to the team form September onwards.



  • Heatwave (Actions and Sports Day)

    Wed 13 Jul 2022 Mr Seargent

    Heat Wave Actions and Precautions


    Dear parents


    I am currently carefully monitoring the forecasted temperatures for next week.  At this current time, Monday forecast is for temperatures of up to 34 degrees C.


    Sports day

    Health guidance given to schools in June has made clear that when temperatures exceed 30 degrees C schools should avoid children taking part in ‘rigorous physical activities’; this would of course include sports races/sports days, but would not confine children indoors.


    It is not my intention to scratch sports day at this moment, however, unless the forecast changes or health guidance is altered, I may be required to cancel the event or at least restrict its format.    A decision will be made by the end of Friday.


    Managing the heat

    In the meantime, we are ensuring that children are well hydrated at school and take shelter periodically when outdoors, rooms are ventilated as much as practicable, and children are regularly reminded to hydrate.  We are blessed with both natural and manufactured shelter around the school, and this is being utilised to its maximum. 


    I aim that we find a safe and common sense balance between limiting any over exposure to the current heat wave and preventing children playing in and enjoying the summer sunshine.


    Parents are asked to continue supporting us in this aim by:


    • Providing your child with a cap/hat
    • Wearing light clothing (sports shorts are acceptable as an alternative if you only have school trousers)
    • Putting on sun cream before the start of the school day
    • Providing a named water bottle


    Sunglasses are permitted if your child is able to care for them themselves and as long as the lenses are plastic.  As with all items from home, please do not send children to school with items that are expensive, precious or would cause distress if accidentally lost or damaged.


    Mr Seargent

  • Covid infections update - Actions for parents

    Wed 06 Jul 2022 Mr Seargent

    Updated guidance (NHS directions/Gov UK) on those with Covid symptoms:


    This guidance is derived from and with reference to:  Ref: Gov.UK  

    Guidance for people with symptoms of a respiratory infection including COVID-19, or a positive test result for COVID-19)\


    My child has symptoms of a suspected respiratory infection / Covid 19, should they be tested?


    GOV UK state it is not recommended that children and young people are tested for COVID-19 unless directed to by a health professional


    If your child has symptoms of a respiratory infection they should avoid contact with others as they would with any possible infections condition. As such, they should not come to school until they are well enough to do so. 


    If you are unsure about symptoms or require guidance and suspect Covid 19, you should seek the help of a medical practitioner such as a GP, NHS111 or a pharmacist. They may recommend a Covid test.  Please note: School staff cannot diagnose conditions or provide guidance on health matters and as such will only be able to advise seeking medical guidance.


    A health practitioner has directed me to test my child for Covid 19 and the test result is positive, can they come to school?


    NOIf a child or young person aged 18 or under tests positive for COVID-19, they should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 3 daysThey should not attend school for 3 days as a minimum.   This starts from the day after they did the test. If after 3 days they feel well and do not have a high temperature, they can return to school.


    Note:  Children and young people tend to be infectious to others for less time than adults. If they’re well and do not have a temperature after 3 days, there’s a much lower risk that they’ll pass on COVID-19 to others and therefore can attend school.


    Can my child come to school if someone else in the household has tested positive?

    YES:  Children and young people who usually go to school, college or childcare and who live with someone who has a positive COVID-19 test result should continue to attend as normal. 


    There is no longer a legal requirement for those testing positive or with symptoms to isolate at home; however, we ask that if you have done so you avoid contact with others to reduce the risk of infection.
