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Supporting families

These are complex and challenging times for all.


At Ashgate Primary School, we are looking to support all by providing up to date links to materials that may make life easier for you.   Links will be added to and updated regularly.


The freephone, 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline 0808 2000 247



Changes to the Test and Trace support payment for parents


Parents and carers of children who have been advised to self-isolate by their education setting or by NHS Test and Trace are now able to apply for a Test and Trace Support Payment or discretionary payment of £500, if they meet the eligibility criteria, which are:


  • they are the parent or guardian of a child or young person in the same household and need to take time off work to care for them while they self-isolate. This is limited to one parent or guardian per household for the child or young person’s self-isolation period

  • they are employed or self-employed

  • they cannot work from home while undertaking caring responsibilities and will lose income as a result

  • they meet all the other means-tested eligibility criteria for a Test and Trace Support Payment or locally

    determined criteria for a discretionary payment

  • their child or young person is aged 15 or under (or 25 or under with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC)) and normally attends an education or childcare setting, and has been told to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace or by their education or childcare setting because they have been identified as a close contact of someone who has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19)


School will provide a letter to all parents or carers of the children advised to self-isolate, to support their application to the Test and Trace Support Payment scheme (on request). 


Once an application for a payment has been received, the local authority will contact the school to confirm status. This will include a check of the child’s name, age, address and days of self-isolation. This check is to minimise fraudulent claims. 


If you make a claim, please inform the school so that a letter of confimation can be provided 
