Home Page

Years 1 and 2

Isolation Home Learning 


English - For each English lesson you will need to access the Oak academy website. The link you need for each lesson is at the top of each day. The children will need to watch the online lesson and work alongside Miss Barron. She will talk them through each activity but they may need your support with recording their answers (Spelling etc.)

For each lesson you will need some paper and a pencil. 


Maths - Under each day is the web page links you will need to access, to support your child with their learning. You do not need to print the worksheet activities, just use you paper to record the answers.



Parent Guide to myON

Staying Active

Daily activity is extremely important. The government recommends a minimum of 60 minutes of moderate intensity activity per day for primary aged children. Below are some links to website that can help you stay active at home.


Joe Wicks (The Body Coach) has lots of workouts for kids on his youtube channel. He will be hosting a live PE session at 9am every Monday, Wednesday & Friday.

Staying Safe Online

While schools are closed, it is likely that your child will be spending more time online. Below, you can find a guide on discussing online safety with your child. It also includes some activities that you can do at home with your child. 

Dave the Dog is Worried about Coronavirus - A Children's story written by Molly Watts, an intensive care at Southampton Children's Hospital

Year 1&2 Recommended Reading

Home Learning Y1 Maths
Home Learning Year 2 Maths
Science lesson 4
Science Lesson 5
Science lesson 6
Home learning Topic
PSHE lesson 3
PSHE lesson 4
PSHE lesson 5
PSHE lesson 6
D & T
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3

Useful Websites
