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School Closure Activities:


Should the school be directed to close, staff will post activities for the children within our class notebook in Microsoft Team or via Memos on Tapestry.
In each case, activities  will consist of a range of  maths, literacy which will be posted on daily basis and a weekly topic activity grid.  Observations of the children completing activities can be posted on Tapestry. Where appropriate, feedback will be provided within the children's private folders during the week.

We will also arrange daily story times and catch up meetings via Microsoft Teams during the week, so please keep an eye on the chat. 


Children should be encouraged to complete all tasks and parents are encouraged to support them in having a go at everything.  

For those who have unfortunately been unable to access Microsoft Teams or Tapestry there are a range of activities available here on the website that can be used on a weekly basis as needed.
The weeks do build upon each other and should be approached in order.
